Reviews from

in the past

Oh hey my favorite VN of all time. It's fucking good, everyone read it right now kthx

“Come, gather and bear witness to my opera, now in the making. Its script is the height of cliché, I am forced to admit. And yet its actors are of the finest fold; beyond exquisite. Thus, I believe you will find it enthralling.”

This is a line from a pretty late stage of the game, yet it is for understandable reasons being often quoted to express many of the things that make Dies Irae impressive. For one, the prose is absolutely stellar: if the incredible amount of care put into every line from the English localization team mirrored the quality of the original Japanese release, we are in front of a work that transcends the limit of games directed to a young audience and leads into the realm of actual literature. Each character expresses themselves with fitting and recognizable verbal quirks, their voice acting is nothing short of superb, the insight given to their personalities is of the most eloquent and beguiling kind, certainly if one had to read Dies Irae for one purpose it would be for how well narrated are its characters.

As the translation team discussed, what appears to be a regular plot of bad villains (Nazis, moreover) threating the world hides a deeper layer of meaning where are discussed the fundamentals of its own genre, being so subtlety hidden that, even when the dialogues are close to be so metafictional you could hear the fourth wall shattering, the plot still doesn’t cease its adrenaline rush, nor loses focus. When you think you finally reached the climax, the game goes beyond and a new, more impressive climax is just around the corner, you’ll find yourself jaw dropping while reading some of the most superb over-the-top scenes ever conceived. Whenever ‘Ω Ewigkeit’ starts playing, since its first usage as the title menu theme, you can’t help but feel the blood rushing, the thrill, the awe, being swarmed by whatever is bound next to subvert your every expectation.

Dies Irae is a crescendo that can’t, or rather shouldn’t, be halted, ever, not until the reader has enough understanding of its core content to properly decide if it was impressive or tedious, charming and elegant or uselessly over bombastic. It also the hope for many more similar remarkable visual novels to receive a western release so that, even if it has still a niche of fans, many can rejoice for the wonderful possibilities of the medium.

Karl Krafft likes to pee his pants

ok so this was both fun and not fun at the same time idk i wanna finish it but i expect that to happen by the year 2048

I hated Ren at first because I saw too much of myself in him.

Our lives are but petals in the wind; moments lost in the annals of time. No matter how fiercely we struggle to make it ours, eternity will always elude us.

Fuji Ren more like Fuji Mid, worst protagonist in VN history

"Halt o Time, for thou art fair beyond measure."

A masterpiece of the medium. Not only an entertaining chuuni battle romp but having some of the best writing in VNs paired with philosophical and thematic depth, insanely likable cast, and the best use of the route structure.

it's supposed to be better than fate yet it has less dank memes. the textbook definition of a timeflop

A combination of Nietzsche philosophy and chuuni battles that works perfectly. Perhaps the best cast of characters in any visual novel, each memorable and fairly likable. Music is also outstanding.

absolute pillar of visual novels goated raw swag kino zenith

I want rusalka Schwagerin to smile endlessly
Also she’s hot

making the readers really feel the pain of foreknowledge by having at least 20% of the vn be redundant in some way is very powerful

the chants do be cool tho, lots of soul

what if you really wanted one thing and you were allowed to have that thing and then you weren't allowed that thing but you could actually just have that thing forever all you had to do was

i now kin several racists.


This is peak chuuni and your enjoyment of DI relies on how much you jive with its brand of chuuni. The fights are either raw kino swag or overly drawn out shounen bs. Ren is either my mc or total ass. The cast is either amazingly well nuanced or too underdeveloped. The plot is either super fun or overly edgy nonsense. The narration is either beautifully verbose or too pretentious.