Reviews from

in the past

If you like a challenge and when i say challenge. I mean a CHALLENGE. You will like this game.

I'm awful at this game but it's soooo good

Great game with such a lovable aesthetic

Your enjoyment of this game highly depends on how much hell you want to put yourself through and whether or not if you could beat it before you've reached your limit

gets good once you play it for more than 50 hours

Un juego que me gusta mucho pero que me gustaría más si fuese mejor. Supongo que no es culpa del juego pero es frustrante.

i'm never sure if i like rogue games or don't. anyways can't imagine i'll ever complete this, furthest i've gotten was chamber 5 boss fight. it's very difficult and i feel like if i don't get a heart pouch and a good weapon or two it's basically game over. its a pretty ok game and i'm sure other people could get more out of it than me.

game is incredibly smug and up its own ass. weapons arent really all that fun and all feel pretty samey, upgrades are few and far between and most of them dont make any noticeable differences. rooms and floors are incredibly long and tedious.

i just fucking hate how ridiculously unfunny and smug it is. makes me want to strangle every NPC in the game. fuck off

I like a lot of roguelikes, and I like a bunch of things with Gungeon like the look and gamefeel. But, there are a lot of elements that I don't like. It's a bit too hard to get into.

pretty good. best one to play in consoles. in pc nuclear throne is still the goat.

i didnt really care about this game for like a year or two but then idk i picked it up again about a year ago and something just clicked, one of my favorite roguelikes

I've increasingly found I don't really like rogue-like games for a variety of reasons no matter how fun they are. Enter the Gungeon is a prime example of precisely that.

Pew pew prewtty cow!
Bullet Bullet Bullet Bullet

Binding of Issac but with guns

Extremely well designed but the difficulty is straight up sadistic and I therefore didn't have that much fun with it.

I have two main problems with this game:

1. I have shit luck. I played this with my friend who's put about 300 hours into it and he was really surprised by how we basically got nothing throughout the entire run and I told him that was pretty normal for me.

2. A single run takes an eternity. It can take over an hour to clear all five floors and I really wish that it was faster.

Maybe I just don't like roguelikes, iunno.

I've given this so many chances over the years, and there is so much here that I like, but at this point, I just have to accept that this is my final attempt and that I will never really get along with this game. While it does a lot I love, especially the teleportation and how that changes how you traverse a given floor, I just can't into the flow of the combat with reloads and very limited ammo. I would've liked this game so much more had it not had those things. Great game that's not for me.

closest a roguelike has gotten to playing well

Im sure that its a fine game, but man I can't play rogue likes anymore.


Super deep roguelike without a story but a lot of cool worldbuilding.

Provavelmente o jogo mais difícil que eu já joguei, mas é um desafio viciante que te fisga. Eu adoro rogue-like o bastante pra terminar quase todos os desafios desse aqui. Só não leva as 5 estrelas porque, infelizmente, é raro acontecer de você pegar uma combinação interessante de armas e equipamentos. As runs acabam sendo parecidas demais.

I'm a fan of the rouge-lite genre, and while this one didn't do it as much as I would have hoped, it's still quite a fun time returning to every once and a while, even with a seemingly sharp and sporadic difficulty curve. No Isaac but still pretty good.