Reviews from

in the past

Um dos melhores rogue-likes de todos, tem muito conteúdo para o seu preço e um dos melhores jogos para introduzir pessoas aos rogue-likes

As someone who loves roguelikes and bullethell, I thought I'd like this more. Didn't hold my interest past a couple runs

Creía que me gustaría más porque adoro tBoI, pero no ha logrado engancharme de momento. Quizás en un futuro lo vuelva a intentar.

For a long time, this was a game I loved even though I couldn't beat it. Now that I've managed to clear the first final boss (baby steps!), I still think it's unique in being a game that doesn't have to promise completion to be really satisfying to play. The feel is so good, the visual style so quippy and goofy and weirdly cute (very Devolver before Devolver got a bit played out) — everything just works. Finishing it is only a small part of the fun.

My favorite roguelite. It might lack the production values of a game like Hades, but it more than makes up for it with the immense variety of weapons, items and synergies you can get. It's also not hurt by being procedurally generated, since the meat of gameplay is just shooting enemies - the layout doesn't really matter all that much.

Best played on PC and super fun roguelike

I haven't played that much of this one but it's basically my second favorite game. It's just so fun. Tell me any other game that lets me shoot the word bullet and I'll pass over the title.


Fantastic roguelike with a roster of guns that makes every run feel different than the previous one. Bullet Hell aspect is challenging but very doable

Negatives: No real negatives, just prefer dead cells more. If I had to think of a negative it's that the "bullet hell" design can feel repetitive when playing the game alot.

A very fun Shooter Rogue-lite that rewards players for their game time with more tools to add to their possible arsenal, giving it a lot of replay value.

I've only liked a few rouge-lites... this was not one of them.

I like the art style of the game tbh, reminded me of Hades lol

ive owned this game for like 4 or 5 years and have never gotten past the second area

One of the best of the roguelike bunch. You can carry how many guns you like and also get a bunch of upgrades to them. Has enough content to entertain for hundreds of hours among characters, alternate floors and bosses, the runs will never feel the same. The gameplay loop is really satistying thanks to the unlock system because every run you do you'll get enough currency to unlock something.

I entered the Gungeon because I wanted a break from Binding of Isaac. Isaac was tilting me with how many runs I had thrown and Repentance felt way too hard. I'd heard the two compared frequently and wanted to see what I was missing out on.

Even though I'm pretty much done with the game at a fifth of the playtime of Isaac (50 hrs to 250 hrs spent), I preferred Gungeon. The shooting and dodge roll was satisfying, the game had a nice charm to it and the lack of depth in unlockables was honestly kind of relaxing. Not that there isn't stuff to unlock, there's plenty, but you could get pretty much everything you wanted in 50-60 hours compared to Isaac, which would take hundreds at minimum to beat every challenge and character mark.

The fact that Rainbow Runs existed and could count for unlocks was also really nice. They were definitely easier than regular runs but I appreciate that the game offered me a way to unlock what I wanted without having to grind as much. And if I felt it was too easy, I could just turn play it regularly. Having difficulty options can be nice to avoid FOMO and since it's a single-player game, it's not like there was any competitive integrity they had to maintain. Plus, the game was still plenty hard even in Rainbow mode.

There are some missing features or improvements that would definitely increase enjoyment: there's no reliable way to practice for the Rat fight, the R&G department feels underdeveloped, and the tier list was under-developed (some items in lower tiers were just objectively better than their higher-tier counterparts). It would also have been nice to be able to save after every room (like Isaac) as opposed to every floor. But these are mostly improvements that could be built into the pre-existing game, not enough to warrant a sequel. I left the Gungeon happy with my time, looking forward to any future installments in the series. I'm not playing Exit though, it seems like boneless Gungeon.

Gungeon was a really fun rogue like.

I put completed but I'm still playing it.

THIS GAME IS FUNFUNFUNFUN. The gameplay is fun, with the loop of getting credits to buy new guns is great. The pixel graphics are great, and so is the music.

Story is an excuse plot though.

Must play if you like rougelikes.

Wacky roguelike bullet hell makes for a good time. Lots of secrets to uncover. Definitely worth putting the time in to find most of them. Lots of fun!

top 2 roguelike dungeon crawler

Es super recomendable si juegas con amigos

Top down shooty rouge-like with shoot em up and legend of zelda elements means that we're comparing this to Isaac right? Yeah.

Well for the first 29.3 hours spent over years of playing this on and off whenever I remember that it exists, this game feels like it has an answer to every problem Isaac's design had accumulated through its decade of development. Backtracking to the shop a bit of a pain? Once you find it you can just teleport there and back with the greatest of ease. Tired of enemies spawning on top of you and getting hit by the enemies death bullets cuz you forgot every enemy explodes on death in Isaac these days? Enter the Gungeon telegraphs both of those things. Your run lagging behind on power because you didn't get enough Devil/Angel deals (aka where the fuck did all the soul hearts go Edmund)? Enter the Gungeon rewards a health container upon clearing a boss after taking no damage, still encouraging doing particularly well in early sections of the game while not being the end of the world if you didn't get it either. Tired of getting a bunch of bullets and enemies trapping your big chonky hit box that sometimes just wonder how you're supposed to get out of the way? Besides sporting a much smaller hitbox-to-rest-of-the-screen ratio, there is also a dodge roll to get your still not quite touhou sized hitbox through some less than predicted scenarios, while also having enough commitment and recovery that you're not just dodge rolling every second of a fight and calling it a day. And for every other sticky scenario, you're also packing a couple blanks a floor for clearing a room of bullets, ala Touhou bombs but without the shit ton of damage or the ability to press the button a few frames after the fact.

Obviously there are good items to get for a god run, wouldn't be that interesting of a rougelike otherwise, but I feel like it doesn't happen that often, I can't quite prove it but I feel like the power level of runs are pretty decent, as opposed to Isaac where you have items that can truly just be terrible. I suppose the weird part is that each item/gun tends to be it's own thing and do it's own thing while having a few hard coded upgrades for having certain thematically similar items in your inventory and sometimes you come across the occasional bullet upgrade, while in Isaac every item is being stacked on top of whatever it is you are doing, but it still works I think. The guns each have their own unique shots and quirks, with a little text blurb in the game's little in universe encylopedia, the "Ammonomicon", explaining what it do along with bits of flavor text to maybe hopefully cut down on searching shit up on the wikia (the wikia still has a lot of info not mentioned so it unfortunately still remains a bit of a necessity for getting through these kinds of games).

I could keep making direct comparisons with Isaac for how one game handles one thing and the other handles it differently but I think I made my point in how Enter the Gungeon is generally the less frustrating more level headed approach in comparison to Isaac's "Give you the powers of god one second and then beat you over the head with a rock the next" shenanigans, not that those don't have it's own appeal of course.

One might get the idea that I'm making this review because I'm mad cuz bad with Isaac and this game just gives a bunch of shit to make things easier. And yeah, I'll admit that I only really decided to try and beat this game after getting an Isaac tick with the drop of repentance and then subsequently getting really frustrated with it... after 7 or so wins. Those 29.3 hours I put into gungeon only translated into a single victory, this game does not care if you suck at it. and yet I feel like it's because of all of those bells and whistles I mentioned that makes each loss, while sometimes heartbreaking, a lot less frustrating than how Isaac can be a lot of time.

And that's why this game seems like a nice little thing you pick up for a hour or two, dodge some bullets, test a bit of your luck, and then move on and continue wondering why I'm not good enough to play against my friends in fighting games... you know, whatever it is you do. As decent as this game is it doesn't exactly have Isaac's dozen of final bosses and dozens more of normal bosses on top of that, so I can't make much of a recommendation beyond what I've said if you can deal with what is ultimately, a still pretty random, still mechanically simple, and still ultimately endless rougelike shoot em up.

... this game can actually just shut up with some of the references tho. Like ok, the music is ok if I don't feel like putting on some playlist, the in-game art looks fine, pretty neat, but this game really needs to shut up sometimes. wow, a box, a cardboard box, no one will see you in this thing, do you get it? Oh yeah I get it, real laugh and a half, now where's my real A rank item I spent my last key on you cheeky fuck?

Gameplay: Recomendable jugar con control, eso le baja un poco los puntos. Pero responde de puta madre y hasta ahora no senti que fuese injusto en ningun momento.
Historia: no tiene y si tiene no vale la pena decir nada al respecto.
Musica: Buenisima


This was the first rogue lite I've played that took me a couple years before I appreciated it after first playing it on launch. The weapon pool can lead to some fun absurdities, but the rng gods don't often lead to this. Can be very punishing in a very time consuming way. I still haven't beating the rat thief, but I've spent countless runs exploring everything else. Every weapon has story, as does every run.