Reviews from

in the past

Solid roguelike, but the ammo makes it frustating to play

There's a nsfw fangame called Enter the Cumgeon.

just a fantastic rougelike. ill never stop coming back to this.

please this game is so flawed and boring

Runs can get repetitive, but the aesthetic, humor, and variety is great for a roguelike. There is a good balance between both skill and luck/items for consistent runs and the skill curve is great to learn.

This game just doesn't hit the same as top-down roguelikes like Nuclear Throne and Hades do for me. The guns don't feel as punchy and satisfying to shoot as something like Nuclear Throne's, and the dodge roll feels like a shitty middle ground between the pure "just dodge it" of that game and the actually good dash of Hades. Also the starter characters are all REALLY boring and are basically only different in what guns they start with. I really thought I'd like Gungeon based on its similarities to other games I've enjoyed, but for some reason or another, it just didn't stick with me.

(Steam review made on June 28, 2019)

there is a gun that is a lowercase r and it shoots the word bullet. Yes.

roguelite roguelike roguesimilar roguesomewhat rogueshut the fuck up i dont care anymore. oh uh yea so enter my butthole is a fun shooter game where you run around as a little insignificant play figure where everything takes 300 gajillion shots to kill but u die if a table looks at you funny.

"shoot the shopkeeper for a free gun!"

my rating for this game is what it is for me, not what i think its objective score is. I like this game but I'm so bad that 90% of my time is spent on the first floor. it gets so difficult at a point that it feels impossible for me. it doesn't help that the rng system is just fuck you levels of unlucky. the odds of getting anything decent before your starting gun is worthless is laughable. one day if I 'get good' I will update this review, but for now? a game that's too hard and unfair, not my fav combo.

A solid rogue lite bullet hell dungeon crawler with a real sense of charm and an inventive set of weaponry and enemies, though the sense of progression between runs feels light for a rogue lite

Um dia eu pego o pistoleiro

every gun is stupid and it's great

Really fun game with good replay value. Definitely a challenging roguelite with too many zelda references.

gun that is a bullet that shoots more guns that shoots more bullets

One of the best of the big beefy roguelikes.

este juego es maravilloso le he echado un huevo y medio de horas finisimo

Gungeon should be a slam dunk to me in terms of the setting and creativity behind the weapons and bosses, but it ends up just feeling like a slog to play. Runs take forever and the first few rooms of each room are dreadful when you lack any fun weapons.

I can appreciate the work put into this game and I find the combat to be enjoyable. As a rougelike though, I feel like it just falls flat compared to it’s competitors

Enter the Gungeon is a bullet hell rogue-like made by Devolver studios. It has you go through a 5 floor gauntlet, later 6, and your main way of fighting is through the power of guns. This is probably one of the best rogue-likes I have ever played. There are 243 guns and almost 300 items to collect in the entire game! A lot of guns have unique properties and gimmicks as well, such as the tetris gun where you can stick a bunch of pieces on an enemy and they all explode once you land a line piece on them. There are also synergies, where if you have a certain combo of two guns and/or items, they get a boost in power or they can just change entirely! The amount of pop culture references in the game is also amazing, one of my favorites is with the item Nanomachines, and right underneath it when is a quip that says "son", an obvious reference to Metal Gear Rising. Another reference actually involves with a synergy called "Pulp Gungeon" where you need an orange and M1911, the name referencing Pulp Fiction, but the M1911 is also the gun that the two guys also used in the movie! Then there are the enemies and bosses in the game, and man there are a lot. There really isn't much to say about the enemies, but the bosses are super fun to fight! There's the Gatling Gull, a ripped bird that wields a huge minigun, the Beholster, a 6 armed cyclops with laser vision, and even an insane cultist known as the High Priest, who is literally just a gun with arms but damn is he hard. There are 8 characters to play as, not counting the co-op character, 4 of which you have to unlock. They all start off with different weapons and items, so it all comes down to play style for who you want to play as. One last thing to mention, there are also secret floors to go to, that way you can obtain extra guns and items! So it's actually possible to go through 10 whole floors in a single playthrough! 100%ing this game took me about 200 hr. but it was well worth it.

What a fantastic rougelike! I'm not huge on the genre but this one really sold me on it as something to give a go. I really love the characters, art style, and gameplay is TIGHT. I never felt like errors were the fault of the game, it always felt like I made the mistake. The only problem is I suck at this game and have never fully completed it.

pew pew pew tiro divertido pra caralho

De mis roguelikes favoritos, para mí le pega 7 patadas al isaac pero bueno para gustos colores

pretty alright. that's about it sorry