Reviews from

in the past

Assim como The Binding of Isaac, esse é um dos melhores roguelikes existentes, e vale MUITO a pena jogar. Bastante desafiador e com muito conteúdo, se você for fã do estilo, é um jogo obrigatório que deve existir na sua biblioteca. Uma balazura!

Ehhh it's fine. I mean, look, the gameplay does what it sets out to do and the visuals are pretty impressive. But I feel like there's a real lack of gameplay variety. While there are tons of weapons, a lot of them feel very samey.

not my thing, but it's got amazing *everything design

Genuinely one of the best roguelikes I've played, unfortunately it doesn't do much to kill it's repetitiveness and I'm too bad at it.

Interesting rouge-like with guns,
Really fun introduction to the rouge-like genre, unfortunately couldn’t get super into since I played on the switch where the controls show it was mainly meant for pc. Great game to pick up and play while food was cooking (20mins to an hour)

My favorite rogue-like game, not the best because of the existence of hades, but I still think it has the better gameplay of the two. The amount of characters (normals and the secrets characters) you have to play, each one having it's own unique abilities and ending, for itself is very good. BUT the amount of weapons and itens you can have and make sinergy, with references to every kind of midia, to other games, series, movies, books, it's just astounding the amount of information put in the game, having played around 300h of the game, still found new things. An excellent game whitout a doubt

Enter the Gungeon is not a game that is ever really finished. I suspect that I will continue to play this for many more years to come. It took a while for it to grow on me. Now that it has, it's a great time. Bang for buck, it's hard to find much better than this. Recommend to anyone who wants to play a game for hundreds of hours for only $15.

Idk, if beating a characters past counts as beating the game, but this game is literally so good.

haha pew pew funny gun puns.
Dope soundtrack tho

Fun fun fun bullet hell roguelike!

Finished Gun = Finished Game

It's the Binding of Isaac for hardasses. BoI has a more intriguing presentation and "lore", but this is just so much more mechanically refined.
Some enemies can suck a fat one, and a few secrets I would have not found out without a guide, but as far as arcade-y time wasters go, this is close to the peak.

Also they did a great job not making the puns and references to other media insufferable, at least to me (looking at you Ready Player One), I prefer it to the gross-out designs in BoI.

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its about guns

It's fun and well-polished, but doesn't have enough gameplay variety between runs. Maybe I'm just too spoiled on Binding of Isaac.

Sprites fodas, roguelike + bullet hell nunca funcionou tão bem.

I would keep time in freshman year of college by how many gungeon runs I could get through before my next class

As much as I love roguelikes, I feel like this game would have been better if it had just been a straight up bullethell shooter

Fantastic rogue like, but I got tired of it after sometime because it lacked motivation to keep trying again, but it is incredible nonetheless

Pretty fun game but to be honest, roguelikes aren't for me.

Rogue-like bem divertido e desafiador com muitas horas de conteúdo.

n sei onde eu estava com a cabeça pra ter dado 3,5.

It's better than Binding of Isaac

I enjoyed the art style for the game and the concept, Although I was really bad at this game it was a lot of fun to play with others

bonkers fucking difficulty spikes

Oh good Lord I suck at this game, well made though.