Reviews from

in the past

Wow. What a fantastic game. There are some things that could have been a little better (like speeding up text), but I'm very impressed by this game. The fact this was mostly made by one person is incredible.

This is like a small version of a Persona game (when it comes to the day to day stuff and relationships) with action combat gameplay and purchasable upgrades. Highly recommend.

Half baked combat mechanics, middling cast of characters, meaningless and nonsensical story, bland level design and aesthetics, shockingly light dating elements considering how much of a selling point they were- this game disappoints on all fronts. The dialogue can be pretty funny sometimes, albeit severely lacking in taste. The game is also short enough that I was able to power through the simple combat encounters that make up the vast majority of the gameplay. Either way, just go play Persona instead. Hell, I heard Tokyo Xanadu is basically this but better.

enjoyable persona ripoff with queer romance options... shame it's kinda mid.

I haven't researched the team or this games development but it kinda feels like what went wrong was budget/experience related. It feels kinda like an amateur project with some experienced leads.

I'd be interested to see where this studio goes after this, I'd love to have competent persona-like action JRPGs with queer romance options be more readily available, as it stands, this isn't the best.

If you aren't looking specifically for queer romance options in a game like this I'd say you're better off just playing persona. But if the representation is important to you, give this a spin.

Game was FAR too simple in its mechanics, but it is incredible how much this dev did by himself. I enjoyed this game because of my love of the Persona mechanics -- even though they were often half-baked.

I hope to see more from this guy. Hope he can get the resources to fulfill his vision with his next game

this game is like what non-persona fans think persona is. sia is cool though

Bit too simple and the "Persona Mechanics" aren't really well integrated. Had high hopes, but unfortunately - it's mid