Reviews from

in the past

Exit/Corners is an ontological visual novel that can be completed in under 20 hours (maybe under 15 if you're speedin'). It feels much like a smaller scale 999 (from the Zero Escape series). The characters are dynamic and lovable, and their backstories are all well-integrated throughout the game. Each of the 29 chapters has an average of 1 logic puzzle, which can be optionally skipped. The hint system is built into the game flawlessly, providing in-universe hints that also reveal more about the characters and world itself. Sometime it can feel as if you need to "grind through" the dialogue before finding a useful hint, but it's an important realization to come to that every piece of dialogue IS gameplay, and can be used or considered for later reveals and world-building. For an indie game with a small team, Exit/Corners was a massive first project that hit the mark. Worth a play.

Really enjoyable game. While it fails to land the ending, the rest of the experience more than makes up for it.

free 5/5 visual novel? say no more. if you like zero escape you will love this. chapter 19 gave me one of the biggest panic attacks ive ever had in gaming <3

An interest little VN that utterly crashed my browser like 10 times

Delightfully creepy. Wonderfully constructed. A little too dark and overwhelming for me, but that's on me. I didn't replay to get the true ending, though I tried via the catch-up tool and a guide a couple times.

crying please play exit/corners

Very, very, very good! Play it here:

A pleasant surprise of a game. As a visual novel, its story doesn't disappoint at all. Without spoilers, all I can say is that it's great, the characters are well-written and the pacing is good (it grabs you!). Its themes are sometimes a bit philosophical, and I was pleased to discover that the in game discussions around them aren't shallow or condescending at all.

The puzzles are well integrated and the hint system is awesome, where you talk with your fellow game participants (it's one of those death games VNs ala 999 btw) and try to solve the puzzles with their help. It feels very natural and provides as many or as few hints as you need. I have yet to see a better one in any other game.

Of course, it's not perfect, (some few hiccups with the story and some puzzles) but come oooon. Play it!

Interesting episodic puzzle visual novel. Zero Escape vibes. Characters are good but not great, endgame twist is alright. Doesn't take too long to play and scratched the itch for puzzle visual novels.

This is really good for a free VN. It had one of the tensest moments I've experienced in a non-strictly horror game ever. Very glad I played this 4 years after its debut because waiting might have killed me. Some of the ending stuff felt a bit rushed but it was still good.