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En lo que es a jugabilidad es mil veces mejor a lo que fue F1 22, así que ahí empezó muy bien y hasta ahí queda también lo positivo. Las banderas rojas (una de las nuevas adiciones y que tanto mostraron) en fecha de salida no funcionan y están bugeadas y tampoco mejoraron el modo trayectoria que sigue siendo el mismo desde 2020.

La verdad que la jugabilidad lo hace mil veces mas disfrutable que el anterior, pero ya es hora de un gran cambio en la saga ósea el nuevo motor grafico.

It is good. The handling is good and it makes fun just to drive the f1 cars. Breaking point was cool but short. F1 world is better then f1 live.
Is the rest the same? Yes
Was it buged on resales? Yes
But still good and till now I am enjoying it

Just finished breaking point 2. I know you can’t really complete a racing game but I have just finished the story mode called Braking Point 2. I know people will think I’m being biased but honestly it really took me by surprise how much I enjoyed the story here. It’s not telling an emotional story but it is one that is really engaging and not too outlandish like the story in Grid Legends. The presentation is really top notch too, it takes a lot of inspiration from Drive to Survive with the presentation which adds to the authenticity. On the track it feels the best since F1 2021, a real fun mix between realism and arcade. Slight criticisms would be that it could have done some different scenarios as all the races bar one were in dry conditions but that was it really. I’d recommend the whole package to any racing fans and to more casual players I’d say check it out when it hits game pass. 9/10

I do not care about F1, or motor sport, or any sport, at all. So it came to me as a bit of a surprise when I really enjoyed the story mode of this sharp and precise racing game. Racing with Formula 1 car is intense and relentless, but also nuanced and very technical. It is a lot of fun!

Handles better than F122, has some nice smaller quality of life improvements. Still missing some larger long term features but it being a year release shackles it a little.

Still, really enjoying it.

As a longtime fan of the Formula 1 gaming series, I was beyond excited to dive into the latest installment, F1 23. However, my anticipation quickly turned into disappointment as I encountered a multitude of bugs that not only hindered my experience but also made the game borderline unplayable.

It's quite evident that the quality of F1 games has plummeted since the acquisition of Codemasters by EA. The once-reliable developer seems to have lost its touch, and F1 23 is a glaring example of that decline. Bugs that cause cars to glitch through the track, AI drivers to act like they're in a demolition derby, and game crashes that occur more frequently than pit stops, have turned what should be a thrilling racing experience into a frustrating mess.

One of the major selling points of F1 23 was the continuation of the "Braking Point" story mode, promising an immersive narrative that would put players in the shoes of an up-and-coming driver. However, the story in Braking Point 2 is anything but engaging. The characters lack depth, the plot feels forced and predictable, and the attempts at drama fall flat. It's a far cry from the captivating narratives we've seen in other racing games, and it's a shame to see such a lackluster effort in a series that used to excel in this aspect.

And then there's the "F1 World" mode, a new addition that promised an expansive and immersive online experience. Instead, what players got was a confusing and unbalanced mess. The progression system feels convoluted, with arbitrary challenges and rewards that hardly make sense. The balancing of online races is a joke, with players frequently mismatched in terms of skill levels and abilities. It's as if the developers didn't bother testing this mode thoroughly before release, leaving players frustrated and disconnected from what should be a thriving online community.

As a whole, F1 23 is a testament to the downfall of a once-great gaming series. The bugs and technical issues overshadow any potential enjoyment, and the uninspired story mode and poorly executed online experience only add insult to injury. It's clear that the shift in ownership has done more harm than good, and it's a sad state of affairs for fans of both Formula 1 and racing games in general. Unless major improvements are made in subsequent updates, F1 23 is a game best left untouched.

Overall I really enjoy playing this game, especially more than F1 22. The handling was vastly improved and makes the handling of the cars so much easier to drive and I enjoy the new F1 World feature. The campaign story Braking Point 2 was also a really good continuation from the story in 2021. My only take aways are that I wished they could've added more features to the Pirelli Hot Laps because they're the exact same as F1 22, and the AI difficulty was somewhat sabotaged because the game is almost too easy at maximum AI level. Hopefully the next version of the game will be closer back to F1 2021.

the worst fucking IA and penalty system ever coded

Maravilhoso, se a carreira fosse um pouquinho mais desenvolvida q nem no F1 2013 seria 10/10

Mejor que el f1 22 pero muy mejorable que llevan sacando el mismo juego 4 años

Same game as F1 22, but this time they brought back break point.

somehow feels more clunky than the other games and i can't explain why it feels as if the car is weighed down by some invisible object

They've fixed the handling. Driving cars feels super good. I still don't care about F1 life or the supercars because they all feel like I'm driving a Renault Clio after the f1 cars.
Braking Point was also decent. I liked it overall but I didn't like that Aiden (MC) suddenly turned into an ass in the latter half for no reason. The end was allright I guess. I still don't recommend buying any f1 games as you can just get them from game pass ~6 months after they come out. Stifle the FOMO a little bit.

Vale a pena pela historinha do "zona de frenagem" fora isso, só mais do mesmo. Quem tiver game pass, jogue pra passar o tempo.

An improvement in nearly every way from F1 22, just wish there was more additions instead of just fixes.

Breaking point é chatíssimo. Nível de dificuldade beira o ridículo.

Fora isso, o jogo é uma ótima evolução do 22.

at first glance, F1 23 is a massive improvement over its predecessor. now featuring a more refined traction model and physics, these new cars have never been more of a blast to drive (5th gear spins begone!), especially in tracks like the incredibly fast and flowing Losail circuit, and the, whatever-it-is of the new Las Vegas circuit, but it's not perfect by any means. far from it.

braking point 2, while feeling a bit more fleshed out in some areas compared to its predecessor, suffers from character writing and development that seems like it was written by an 11 year old in their bedroom after watching drive to survive one too many times. cool to play once, not sure if i'll be coming back to it sometime soon.

the newly introduced F1 World seems like a cross between FIFA's (or FC now, i guess) infamous FUT and the series' now iconic myteam career mode. here you are able to level up a generic looking multiplayer car with multiple parts and resources which are unlocked by just playing the game and leveling up a battle pass-type system, it's cool for what it is, but it becomes way too easy after a couple of visits, as parts always are above a specific level and never really dip in tech level and gameplay difficulty, so you are just better off installing whatever has the highest tech level, and the single player events are too much of a breeze for anyone who's played the game for more than a few hours. thankfully, it does not replace the standard multiplayer modes (open lobbies, time trial, etc), and progress is tracked across all of these. at least it seems like codemasters has partnered with a few real life teams to bring some cool special edition liveries to these cars, which is a plus.

there are quite a few bugs that might dampen the experience a little bit, the much requested red flags being affected primarily at launch, for example, and other bugs present in previous games that were patched seem to make their way on here, somehow. career mode gets virtually no updates whatsoever, which might make it incredibly frustrating for those returning fans who just wanna feel like they are part of their favorite F1 team, existing or not.

in short it might be best to wait for a couple of discounts, given its exuberantly high entry price in most retailers and countries and for some of these bugs to be fixed (granted, they're nothing particularly game breaking, but they are a tad bit annoying), and if you play or decide to play competitively, there's no doubt that the game has a huge cheating problem, which has made esports and league racing tough to follow for the past few months, and i hope that codemasters are working on an anti-cheat system to prevent this from happening.

these fixes, along with planned updates like the typical performance patch, the 2022 F2 season, and the addition of the updated Marina Bay street circuit, should hopefully make this game even greater than what it is right now, cause this might just be the best and most fun F1 game since F1 2020. time will tell.

Probably the best F1 game to date.

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F1 23 é uma melhoria significativa em relação ao jogo anterior, com mecânicas mais refinadas e novas experiências que certamente agradarão os fãs de corrida. Além disso, fica claro que futuros jogos da franquia F1 não podem deixar de oferecer conteúdos que aumentem o envolvimento dos jogadores, especialmente com a adição do inédito F1 World e, principalmente, o modo Ponto de Frenagem.

Review completa aqui:

Well it’s still a racing game at the end of the day. Better than last years by a MILE. Other than that, handling is so much better than 22, and I’m glad they kept the solo career mode from last years game. I got a soft spot for it.

It's only good because Max doesn't win every race here.

I just saw Logan Sargeant win a race and I almost threw up. What constitutes as a "simulation" nowadays is truly pathetic...

Hiç değişme, hep böyle buglu kal düzelme olur mu

Electronic Arts has finally released a good Formula 1 game. And the game is really successful. It's definitely worth playing. It seems like there are some optimisation problems, but it's too little to worry about. I definitely recommend you to play.

Físicas precisas, todas las pistas icónicas, un buen modo carrera y otros modos de juego que aseguran horas de diversión.
Aún así F1 se convierte lentamente en un FIFA, sin agregar muchas cosas a las nuevas entregas y más que nada entregando una actualización anual al mismo precio que la anterior.

I really liked the controls, menus, cars and mostly everything on this one, way better than 22, Las Vegas is a really solid circuit. 5 stars because i'm obsessed with F1

Somehow, someway, beyond all reason, Braking Point is the reason to play this. It's the best racing fiction I've seen in any form in a long time. Good writing, great acting, and great motion capture in the (pre-rendered) cutscenes. All built on top of a phenomenal racing game.

Cara que jogo bom.
Nunca gostei muito de formula 1 e comecei a jogar de forma despretensiosa mas me vi preso na historia do campeonato, equipe e do piloto e quando percebi já estava correndo.
Quando me dei conta já havia jogado mais mais de 2 horas sem perceber.
Joguem que vale a pena.