Reviews from

in the past

I recently got into Fate by playing Grand Order on my phone, and I wanted to try more of the series. I'm honestly not sure how to feel about this. I played the Realta Nua version, which originally took out all of the porn scenes but with a patch that restored said porn scenes, because I like to live on the edge like that. They feel like an afterthought, poorly written and awkward, as if the game wasn't supposed to have them in the first place. It's totally playable this without them, in case you want to sit through the game because you hate yourself or something. Story was okay if very anime-ish, music was surprisingly good, the drawings are decent, if dated. My biggest gripe is the length. It took me 25 goddamn hours to play through the first route out of 3. Needless to say, it was a chore at times. Characters just go on and on and on about uninteresting garbage which did chip at my patience. I only recommend this to fans of the Fate franchise or weebs with a fuckton of free time and some catheter bags, like myself.

Its been a while since I did the other two, but I finished the third and final route, Heaven's Feel. In hindsight, I'm not really sure why I gave such low scores to the other two routes, I absolutely was way too harsh. This was a pretty good read, and the accompanying music is still very solid, and the drawings a bit dated. The story was a real bummer for the majority of it, everything just goes horribly wrong most of the time. Its not like the other two routes were all sunshine and rainbows, but this one deals with some heavy stuff, even if the way it does so might not be the best. Sakura, the main heroine of the route, goes through some less than tasteful scenes I'd rather not go into too much detail, and it felt a bit gratuitous, in the same way all the porn scenes do. Yes, I played with those on again, and they feel as needless and poorly written as ever. This route has the most of them as well, so just play without them. I say "just play" , but in truth, playing through the whole game takes a not insignificant amount of time that not everyone might have. In total, I've must have spent about two full days at the very least to read the three routes. Two whole days I'll never get back, just gone on reading this thing. Its definitely not bad, but that's a lot of time just pissed to the wind.

every fsn route has decently big flaw that you have to get over

fate with half of the route being introduction and not having much go
ubw with the middle antagonist being very poor compared to fates
and hf with the optimal way to experience it having shitty h scenes, albeit the good they bring vastly outweighing the bad imo

there are caveats to some of these being flaws and how much they effect the experience depends on the person, over time these flaws have grown to mean nearly nothing to me.

i could truly write forever about all the positives this has, but i dont feel like it lol, its a large part of the person i am now and dont ever want to forget what its done for me

has pacing and dialogue issues but i'd blame it on the (fan) translation more than anything else really. incredible character development and one of my favorite stories in fiction. each route is worthwhile and essential, each has an advantage over the other routes in different ways

Fate/Stay Night is stupid in so many ways. But I can't help but also love it from the characters, there relationships and the lore. It's a fun. Also it has my favorite kinda fantasy. Modern day fantasy.

One of the best visual novels out there, with an indepth lore and story, great worldbuilding and a very likable cast of characters. It has its set of flaws but in general it's worth playing for any fan of the genre.

Real goat right there ladies and gentlemen

The best way to describe it is that it's about a man and his ideals. Pacing issues aside, this is one of the best VNs out there. Fate is good, but (relatively) straightforward. Unlimited Blade Works is really good, and Heaven's Feel is masterful.

feels a bit padded at times, and not everything works, but man does heaven's feel hit fucking hard

Saber>Illya>Rider>Sakura>Fujimura>Beating the shit out of my dick>Tohsaka

"Time has stopped. The scene lasts less than a second. But... I'll remember this scene vividly even when I've gone to hell." A story about challenging ones ideals. Stay Night had a pretty big impact on me. Please read it

Play Dies Irae Instead (also sucks but it sucks less)

This time I finished the second route, Unlimited Blade Works. I gotta say, it kind of grew on me. I definitely was way too harsh with the previous route. If you like visual novels, you know what to expect here. Sex scenes are still awful though, thankfully there's only one in this route instead of two. It totally works without them

I watched UBW and Fate/Zero and a few prillya episodes, and to my knowledge that's pretty much what this is. Yea it's not very good. Just watch the shows instead.

Watched a lets play of this in the 9th grade; I am a fan of the memes spawned by it jeje

what if full metal daemon muramasa was shin megami tensei 1

saber's journey is much like my own. we are one in the same and our paths are not ones that can be separated.

this is just my favorite story yeah

Esta en 5 estrellas por saber

notice how shirou rhymes with goat

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A cautionary tale about the dangers of unprotected sex without the permission of God. I will not explain what I mean by this.

Without a hint of irony, I truly believe this is one of the greatest pieces of fiction ever created.

fantastic story, charming visuals and soundtrack, peak fiction