Reviews from

in the past

The sense of scale in this game is amazing; driving a logistics convoy to a frontline with over a hundred people in trenches taking potshots at each other was a very memorable experience

This and Planetside 2 are the only MMOs that have ever held my attention. It's like if you combined Eve and a WW2 simulator where every player is real. I know it's unlikely, but I would love for this to become the future model for MMOs and shooters to build on.

Niquel, les devs sont pas toujours l'écoute pour un jeu qui est amené à évoluer mais pleins de très bons moments.

Yes, the game IS dying but it can still be a good laugh.
Whether you play with other people or on your own.

At the end of the day, you will probably feel like you aren't making a difference at all. However, that is a good representation of war in general.

Bueno que decir de foxhole, es el mejor juego que existe por general, son horas y horas de adicción jugando con gente, te consumirá si te despistas

Great fun with friends but you better have a few hours uninterrupted before you start it up

More of an experience than a game to me, but it's an amazing one. The combat isn't particularly engaging but it's like watching an actual war unfold around you.

Пять часов везешь на фронт артиллерию чтобы её расхуярили партизаны в двухста метрах от позиции

foxhole but most of the time you're playing with an a**hole

A realistic war simulator in the sense that you will join an army and be sent to the supply chain mines and never actually participate in any combat.

Foxhole is a fascinating war game playing with all aspects of a war: logistics, reconnaissance, & combined arms warfare. no one makes guns & bullets? have fun scavenging them from the dead bodies. the isometric perspective is also a really efficient way of making it easy to switch between all modes of play. really though, the most interesting thing is the sense of camaraderie that comes through, multiple times have I fallen in the middle of a storm of gunfire for someone to run over and grab me, shouting into their microphone that I'm gonna be okay or that they won't let me die. hearing normal conversations at garrison posts while maybe 50 meters away is an active front line, out of sight but heard loudly. altogether it makes for a charming and entrancing game that's satisfying to play

Foi um MMO muito interessante, fiz vídeos, participei de uma comunidade por causa dele, mas não consigo jogar mais ele por problemas de crash que me afastaram do jogo.

Foram boas experiências de um jogo que transmite o que uma guerra quase é de verdade, onde a logistica dos recursos contam muito para uma guerra.

colonials literally slap kids

Great mmo war game. It's very niche, but it scratches a certain itch you can't get in fps titles.

how did i think i would like this

Toxic community in reddit, very bad dev practises with very little communication. But the game itself is unique, there's nothing like this one, and once you join a decent regiment is very fucking fun

I tried it for a few hours because I love the concept but it's a very isolating and grindy game. Huge learning curve, probably better with friends, and a lot of just moving from one place to another v.s. actually doing anything, but the concept itself is very very unique and interesting.

Super high concept - huge learning curve. The execution is really good and a lot of fun once you manage to play along with a group IG. I've only played on my own and it seems like this would be a blast with friends or at least a set squad.

Dangerously addictive milsim.
You can huddle in a crater under constant shelling, play frogger with logi trucks, or haul supplies so your team can keep eating bayonets.

Watching someone who's pretending to be a military commander walk into a landmine two seconds after leaving our base was exceptionally funny. Didn't keep playing it since didn't have any friends to play it with at the time, but I'm really hoping Anvil Empires is good

Had a lot of fun during Charlie war 3. Conclave my beloved... Hamo my beloved... Zealot my beloved...

CREATIVE FUN SEEMINLGY GAME (i barely played it)