Reviews from

in the past

This game really brings forth some truly deep existential questions, such as: "Why did the chicken cross the road?". But yeah, this game is basically worse Frogger but with a chicken.

I remember a period as a kid where I went to my grandmas house a lot and my mom wouldn't let me bring my Snes or PS1 over there, but she had a 2600 that I think was my uncles when he was a kid. It had some random games, even some iconic classics like Donkey Kong, Pole Position, and Dig Dug, but a lot of these games were quite difficult for me at the time compared to what I was used to at home, not the least of which is the nightmare which is Pitfall.

I enjoyed playing those sometimes, but I tended to get further and more enjoyment out of the random monotonous simple sports games and the game I probably played the most was this game, Freeway. As I mentioned above, this game is a worse Frogger. I've played Frogger a few times in my life but it wasn't any kind of staple for me, but Frogger has the added layer of the platform moving river segment to each level and encourages horizontal movement more because of it, Freeway is a simple two direction highway and because of it the programming is much more predictable and the game is a lot simpler.

It isn't free of difficulty at times, but it was simple enough for me to play it pretty repetitively compared to some other games I had at my fingertips. Sure Dig Dug was significantly more fun, but getting far in it was always a bit more stressful, so Freeway was probably the game I spent idle time wasting on that 2600 the most ultimately.

Is it a good game? Not really, doesn't stand out much even for its era. But it saved me from some childhood boredom more than a few times and that's worth something!

Jogado no Museu do Videogame Itinerante. É um jogo, ele funciona, mas até mesmo a biblioteca do Atari em 1981 tinha jogos mais interessantes.

The logical protagonist for a Frogger variant. A little more simple in that you can cross the road anywhere at the top of the map.

A game bout crossing a busy highway. It's that simple.

This game stands out for the ambience sound, that reproduces the sound of fast moving cars pretty believable (with honking sounds even). Also, being run over as the player isn't a game over, we are just pushed back and keep trying. This game is designed for two players, so it's obviously more fun to play with someone.

I remember two of my cousins, who weren't even that into video games, randomly pick this game and have an argument over who was faster.

I played it with my father some months ago and it is still a nice game for two players.

Joguei com meu véio uns tempos atrás e foi divertido. No Atari 2600 era necessário um malabarismo pra fazer aqueles pixels trazerem algo interessante para os jogadores, e esse jogo conseguiu fazer isso.