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This is the work of someone who understands not only why roguelikes are such a long-lasting genre but also why they've been mostly stuck in a niche for nearly forty years: by identifying what actually works and separating it from what is just tolerated by inertia, Golden Krone Hotel is all gameplay and no busywork. A bit like DCSS in how it doesn't want to bullshit the player or let the player bullshit it... if DCSS took place in a cozy little Romanian castle (read: spooky, poorly lit, broken windows, not really that little, vampires everywhere) instead of in a sprawling Australian underground dungeon.

As a vampire hunter turned vampire, or maybe a vampire turned vampire hunter, or possibly even a hunter vampire, you spend roughly half your time as a spell-casting, sword-swinging, revolver-shooting, lore-reading, human-looking, slowly regenerating BATTLEMAGE, and the other half as a slowly decaying monstrous bloodthirsty nightvision predator who probably can't sign his own name or even properly grasp a pen with those massive claws to begin with, and who also spontaneously combusts if exposed to the scorching sunlight of a gloomy Romanian afternoon; mind those broken windows and keep aware of the time of the day unless you want your vampiric self to develop instant atomic skin cancer. The Hotel has some very spacious rooms so I'd recommend just exploring the opposite side of the floor while the sun impersonates Auric Goldfinger's laser cannon.

Or, you know, just drink one of those Soul Elixirs that turn you back into a human. This is what the game is about, in the end; managing your time and abilities as both a spellcasting human and a faceshredding vampire. NPCs from the opposite faction will attack you, and different areas have different predominant populations; resources are generally limited just enough to be comfortable for a whole game as you alternate between forms, but to make it not really convenient to try to spend all the time as one of the two. All in all, an extremely solid game that knows exactly what it wants to do. It is rewarding on account of how differently the same character might play as human and vampire; not only the way you approach each fight changes, but you also need to reevaluate constantly whether you should really be in a particular room, floor or even branch of the castle around the time you transform.

While a lot of roguelikes both old and new take pride in their unstoppable feature creep and unwillingness to let players play the game, instead clobbering them with infinite menus and inventory screens and cooking recipes and fetch quests and all other kinds of bloat that just get in the way of the moment-to-moment gameplay that made the genre, it's refreshing to see a game that presents no more than a few novel core mechanics and builds a fair, balanced and distinctive experience out of it.

A solid traditional roguelike. Uses a lot of classic elements, spices up a few (e.g unknown potions) in a "unique" way that's more interesting than groundbreaking, and throws in a neat mechanic about shifting between human and vampiric form.

Golden Krone Hotel is a solid roguelike that takes a lot from the basic entries into the genre and explores a couple of straightforward, unique ideas that lend it a cool flavor and make it an interesting experience. I liked it quite a bit.

GKH has a simplified equipment system. Anything you pick up is automatically equipped if better or converted to cash if not. This works well and equipment isn't really the focus of the game.
Random elements in the dungeon come in the form of potions. There is a really good identification system here, each potion can be one of three different things, allowing you to mitigate risk and leverage your knowledge of potion rarity to determine how safe something is.
Books in the dungeon also give you random stat increases as well as allowing you to learn random spells, which can heavily affect your run.
You can also choose from several unlockable classes to start as, each of which has different starting setups and sometimes passive abilities (turning into a werewolf in moonlight, better spellbooks, etc...).

All that is pretty straightforward, but where Golden Krone Hotel shines is in its light system and its vampire transformation system.
Light traverses around the level, shining in through windows at different angles, creating areas of danger (if you are a vampire) or safety (if you are a human). Darkness and stealth is also a part of the game, so light can come into play in that regard as well. This system is very straightforward but adds a lot of depth to the game. Understanding how sunlight (and moonlight, in some cases) works can be key to winning your run.
Every human you can play as will eventually turn into a vampire, but can transform back by using a potion. Humans can cast spells and use guns, vampires cannot, but get a large bonus to their physical stats and can heal by drinking the blood of injured monsters. The Hotel is also populated by humans (who attack vampire players), vampires (who attack human players), and monsters (who attack everything). This gives Golden Krone Hotel a super unique feel and it is very engaging to manage the state of your character and the different tactics you need to use as you switch from human to vampire and back.

Golden Krone Hotel is a fun little roguelike that isn't trying to do too much, but executes well on its premise. If you want a good, straightforward game in the genre or are an expert looking to try something a little different, Golden Krone Hotel is a pretty good option!