Reviews from

in the past

sucks that this is legitimately impossible to play without emulation or importing the actual arcade cabinet because this is one of the finest fighters i've ever played. takes what was so great about the other power instinct games and creates (in my mind) the peak of the series. it's ridiculously fun to play and you'll start feeling out combos after just a few matches. i can't recommend this enough and if you have any interest in playing it, use the TeknoParrot emulator and download the rom here

edit: forgot to mention that i beat the arcade mode on ONE CREDIT, which may be the first time i've ever done that with a new fighting game. it's really that easy to pickup. play it if you can.

It's Goketsuji at Its best. I love this game very much and if you're looking for a very underrated fighter that needs more love, look no further. Definitely, a must-play. I played this a few years ago through my PC and it was a kick-ass time