Reviews from

in the past

RELEASE DATE:December 31th. 1984
GENRE:Sports (Ice Hockey)
WHERE IT WAS FOUND: Backloggd/Wikipedia
PLATFORM: Atari 7800
Hi, do you want to play ice hockey?, But it’s only your and your bro and another guy with his bro, and his bro is either fucking stupid and terrible goalkeeper or fucking Dominic Hasek???. Well then this game is for you!!!!

Absolutely terrible game, janky to the point of unplayability, terrible sound and music, ugly graphics (it’s an Atari 7800, who could expect), the easy mode is a fucking walk in the garden of eden, it’s so easy and boring it gives me tears, the hard mode shows how garbage this game is, it’s clunky, dated, and above everything, fucking terrible. And if you don’t trust me, go check it out on your nearest Atari 7800 or Atari 7800 emulator you can get. Stay away from this rot.

Nice visuals with the marks left on the ice from your skates being a really nice touch, but the clunky controls let this one down.

Simple as hell, easy as hell, addictive as hell.