Reviews from

in the past

Total VC chaos and a massive shitstorm in 150 player battles, accompanied with a great community.

Mind you all the craziness aside, this is still a semi-realistic simulator of the Napoleonic Era, having long-reload times and overall stiffness to everything you do, so if that's not your cup of tea, you might not have a great time.

An indispensable historical shooter for those yearning for the days of bright uniforms and fantastic hats.

the ingame voice chat is so much fun. and the roleplaying aswell

Honestly... This game is awesome. Too bad it's slowly dying, it's great.

Some of the funniest proximity chat in any video games I've played.

So fun because of the community haven’t played in a while but I hope it’s still active

Fun for about 10 minutes before repeating the same tiresome cycle over and over.

Run for 3 minutes back to objective/main fighting area
Fire one shot then proceed to sit and reload for 30 secs
Die to someone lagging around with a sword


bought this because of the sovietwomble video and i gotta say, it's about as crazy as advertised. something about the community in this game is deeply insane. it's like walking down the street in a large city and having a guy scream at you about vampires, but instead he's doing a silly british accent and trying to rally you into a musket firing line. runs like shit but who cares, you're not in it for the gameplay

Laggy asset flip garbage. Despite being based on a Warband mod has worse melee combat than Warband.... janky trash all around

If you want Fortunate Son by Creedence Clearwater Revival and other cancerous sounds blared in your ears then this may be for you.

The voice chat is incredible. The gameplay is also really fun

puts the pub back into public server for the first time in a decade+. stand around playing a fife listening to the voice conversations amongst these epigrammatists from all over the "globe" and you'll learn more about the things that matter than you were ever prepared to. holdfast is vrchat for the boys.

want to try this because of a few YouTubers who have made funny videos about it.

Really fun game but the community is on the decline.

Very repetitive, but good for shits and giggles with the boys

simplesmente um incrivel jogo pra quem é fã de militarização e de guerras da idade moderna, mapas bem feitos e exploraveis, com uma alta taxa de equilibrio entre as classes, e voicechat onde vc pode simular um capitão real, ou um cara retardado que fica gritando "VIVE LA FRANCE!" os eventos são bem organizados e estruturados para um roleplay de verdade. Minha unicas criticas são: 1. não há servidor BR, ou da america latina, oq deixa os jogadores com um puta ping e lag, 2. as mecanicas esquisitas e interfaces feias. 3. a comunidade pequena(mas isso não é bem uma coisa que os desesnvolvedores possam resolver, só seria otimo uma comunidade mais unida) enfim, a comunidade é engraçada divertida, e os videos de clipes desse jogos são de matar de rir. 3.5/5 joguem.

Little did Napoleon know about the encircling troops led by Brayden blasting Lil Yachty through his bluetooth speaker into his $5 headset extension.

Спустя кучу лет игра наконец-то начала приобретать удобоваримый вид. Вступил в полк, посещаю ивенты, все как в обычном наполеонике, но атмосфера не та. В целом, пойдет, все же ивенты это скорее не к игре относится, а к комьюнити, и оно здесь активнее.

Literalmente una representación de cómo serán las trincheras cuando empiece la tercera guerra mundial