Reviews from

in the past

This is the mean-average eroge; the plot doesn't exist and the girls are cardboard cutout caricatures. The reason you came for is serviceable, however.

HoneyHoneyHoney! is an odd visual novel to describe. I guess you can say it's moege-nukige mix with a heavy emphasis on very strange, quirky comedy. A lot of it is on the characters themselves, but some of it is on the pretty unique setting.

What got me particularly interested in this VN is that unique setting and how it kind of feels like a visual novel version of an anime called Shimoneta. The basic idea is that long before the story started Ttere were strict laws made to prevent sexual harassment. The idea of is that unless you are dating, males and females are not allowed to physically interact and touch each other in public and have to maintain at least 6 feet of distance Which for reference is the same amount of distance you had to keep during 2020 and 2021 in real life.Even if you want to properly get in a relationship, you literally have to apply for going out. These restrictions are even more strict in co-ed schools. There are color-coded lanes that guys and girls are forced to walk in. Blue lanes for guys and Pink lanes for girls. There's even color-coded tables so guys and girls aren't even allowed to sit at the same lunch table. Even in classrooms, Desks are very far apart, with all The guys in one column and the girls are on another. If any of the rules are broken a group called the "Judges" will take action and take you in.

The main character Shun is someone who is transferring to the main school of this setting. He has no friends mostly just wants to be left alone and keep distance from people, especially girls due to his history with the sexual harassment rules. However, the main heroines definitely do a good job making sure he's not allowed to stay to himself because they're all very assertive in their own ways in getting his attention.

Speaking of main heroines There are only three of them, so I can go into a little more detail than my other videos.

Tsukasa is Shun's childhood friend. She had that uncommon trope where as a kid she looked like a guy, so got mistaken as one. Thankfully, that part was resolved fairly quickly. Her dad was the one who created the gender segregation laws so she felt obligated to join the school's Love Audit Club. This club is the one that approves students to be in relationships as well as making improvements can enjoy their relationship life. However, Tsukasa's big quirk is her pure, naive, and wild imagination especially related to sexual stuff. So whenever she reads suggestions submitted by potential student couples she ends up declining them due to her assuming the wildest potential sexual situation based on an otherwise normal suggestion. Since she's the sole active member of the Love Audit Club she does what she feels she should to improve the Club as much as she can, so she tries to research love as much as she can while makaing sure she and others stick properly to the gender segregation and dating rules. However, when Shun comes back into her life, she starts to have to consider her not-so-subtle growing love for him and staying loyal to the rules. While Tsukasa herself is pretty wholesome, except a decent amount of her crying too.

Arika is a heroine openly against the gender segregation rules, to the point she's a higher up in a secret rebellion. Shun gets into a typical accidental pervert scene with her very early on in the story. Somehow this accidental pervert scene actually impresses her especially since it happened in front of Tsuksasa's Love Audit Club, so Arika considers Shun a very bold one. After this point she makes it a point to consistently try to get Shun to join her side of the anti segregation rebellion, constantly trying to hug his arm in public affectionatley. It's to the point where, even when it's not her route, she even helps you get with the girl in question. But in her route, since she's the most overtly assertive of the main 3 heroines, you get with her the fastest and naturally deal with the public relationship consequences more frequently. You also learn some mildly deep things about her in this route, and there's some surprisingly wholesome stuff towards the end.

Finally, we have the Miyuki who is actually a teacher heroine, but was also Shun's childhood babysitter who he looked up to as a big sister. When around her students, Miyuki's a mature and very helpful teacher that's quite popular among both guys and girls. However, when she gets alone with Shun she gets not so subtly more affectionate to him. Considering the age gap, the whole previous babysitter thing, and some of the reveals about her, it wouldn't be stretch to call this the uhh creepiest route. Thankfully her route made great jokes making fun of this aspect of Miyuki so at least I could get some good laughs out of this route cuz otherwise I could NOT take the actual romance seriously. It wouldn't be a stretch to call Miyuki's route the most ridiculous which is saying something.

HoneyHoneyHoney! for better or for worse, is very much on the short side. My total in game play time was about 11 and a half hours reading on full auto-mode even with a VN with only 3 heroines. I'd assume it's a lot closer to 6-8 hours for a faster reader. The romance is generally on the rushed side, but I don't think the VN was aiming for serious relationship developments anyway. While this visual novel was pretty funny, if you were hoping for a more serious, dramatic take upon this gender segregation setting, don't get your hopes up.If anything, expected kind of weird, degenerate comedic style. The only other personal flaw I have, is how ridiculously big the breast sizes are of the main heroines. Tsukasa's is already pushing it, but Arika and Miyuki straight up have ridiculously sized breasts. I know some people think the bigger the better, but for me there's a point when they're too big they just look goofy and not hot. Speaking of degeneracy, each heroine has 3 H-scenes each in their main story. With 3 Extra H-scenes unlocked after you finish their route.

In conclusion, HoneyHoneyHoney! while not a top tier comedic visual novel or anything, is still pretty funny, has a pretty unique and weird setting, and even weirder main heroine personalities. Those alone make it a pretty fun time, at least for me. It is on the shorter side, but if you just want a short-ish visual novel with a comedic take on a potentially interesting setting, OR any of the main 3 heroines interesting you, free free to check it out. You can currently buy it on Steam and Johren.