Reviews from

in the past

a short (very short at 5-10 mins) but sweet VN that i played through my browser on to wrap up pride month.

grabbed all 3 endings/saw all the content that i was aware of.

could do with some trimming for the little minigame where you direct the character's gaze between the screen or your friend. as an idea it works, but the execution felt off with it lasting for an extended period of time. the first time i ran through i thought i was doing something wrong or the game broke.


A great little queer micro-VN that's absolutely delightful. Great writing, great art

cute lil vn about queer youthhood. Hit maybe a bit too close to home.

Went to see Call Me By Your Name with my bro once. Nothing wrong with that! We stuck around and saw Predator afterwards. Really good double bill!

Very fun and cute game. The art is beautiful and expressive and the dialogue perfectly reflects the struggle of queer teens

En efecto bro es asi de profundo

VN curta e expressiva feita para uma game jam, bem executada.

Short, but cute visual novel about queer relationships. It only takes about maybe 15 minutes to see all three endings. It’s also free too which is always a plus!