Reviews from

in the past

A technical headache to wrap your head around at first glance, this game slowly reveals itself to be a rich and dynamic wrestling sim that just so happens to be competitive. There's a particular joy in competing for high match ratings - your opponent becomes a dance partner and your chemistry matters. Incredibly varied roster for wrestling nerds, you can do samoa joe v. vader out of the box. the create-a-wrestler system may not lead to attractive 3d models, but the level of control
that can be tweaked on your CAW is breathtaking. Fire Pro for adults

One of the greatest wrestling games of all time, tons of great Japanese legends to play as and a few neat cameos from some great American wrestlers as well. Once you actually learn how to play you you'll realize how immersive the gameplay and atmosphere can be. Sometimes i'll just boot this game up still and play a match for some fun.

Also the entire game is in Japanese, this can be remedied nowadays with phone translate but you'll still need gamefaqs for some guides on gameplay as well as saves to unlock and rename the wrestlers

More people should know about this amazing game, solid gameplay once you figure the scheme and timing out and really good AI

in terms of customization, game modes and roster depth few wrestling games can touch this, the title and tournament modes are perfect and the gameplay is improved from the first. it is easier to irish whip, the special moves have more impact and after 1 hour you can play as seiji sakaguchi. would be 5 stars if the matches didnt sort of fall apart when playing with more than 1 player.