Reviews from

in the past

Not going to lie. I actually liked it more than the original Kinkoi by quite a bit.

I thought it was kind of dumb the new common route was kind of long and was required to unlock the after stories. Thankfully it was decently fun and set the tone for the whole fan disk being much more focused on wholesome interactions and degenerate comedy with less melodrama. It also casually mentioned twist that I think didn't even need to be twist to begin with. So overall I would say I would enjoyed it

The after stories to the original routes while short (30ish minutes), we're all pretty enjoyable to me, roughly around the same quality when the routes are at their best in the original. One exception is Sylvies, One I consider a pure upgrade, since that was just pure Quirky wholesome deredere interaction, something I wish her original route had a lot more of instead of the boring stuff.

Ayaka's route was certainly the low point of the fandisc but at least it properly consistently embraced being degenerate and dumb instead of Reina's original route that just kind of threw stuff in during serious moments. Honestly, I would say the biggest flaw is her " after story" finally brought what should have been the obvious thing to tackle between her and Ouro but it was just brought in too late as a what if. At the very least, the common route and her route at least upgraded ayaka from one of my least favorite visual novel heroines to someone who's barely tolerable.

Mina's route for better or for worse was the most moege route of All the routes including the ones from the original. Was just pure romance and comedy with very little actual melodrama, not bad but nothing stick out.

What definitely stuck out to me though was easily the " alternate universe route". It was simultaneously a better version of the Original True Route, Clannad After Story, G-senjou no Maou True Route AND D.D.'s Route in Chrono Clock all at once, at least in the sense of combining certain aspects of them. But more importantly, it actually got me properly emotional compared to the original Kinkoi, where while good, at some point I kind of just was waiting for it to end. On the other hand, with this route, it's one of the few in the whole series. I was actually excited to continue reading. I think one thing that sticks out for me about The fan disk version is that it was better paced and more introspective. The original true route at times felt like a cheesy soap opera. But the fan disk version had a lot of really interesting and deep character interactions I thought should have been important instead of the cheesy stuff of the original. If the original true route was more like this, I might have been more forgiving about all the stuff I complained about in the original.

That said though, as much as I really loved this alternate universe route, the rest of the fan disk was just decent enough to good enough, so I'll settle for a high 8/10, for now but I could easily change my mind.