Reviews from

in the past

I'll be real, I think I got stuck in that QTE segment as a kid for 2 hours because for the life of me I couldn't memorize which part of the PS2 controller was witch, so I took notes on a paper about the correct order trying every combination and beat the level like that, hate this game for that.

The multiplayer was sooo much fun as a kid. The rest is fairly average beat em up fare

I don't believe that shit about Mr. Ping not being his real dad, Po is his spitting image, the hacks at dreamworks botched another one it seems

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Que es lo bueno que tiene este juego?

Ya me oiste, NADA!

Timeless classic

I got this game for free when I bought an xbox 360. There was a time when I was obsessed with getting 100% achievements on as many games as possible and figured it wouldn't take too long on this. I spent hours and hours going for "Level 11 100% on Dragon Warrior!" and for the longest time this was one of my prouder achievements because I had spent so many hours going for it.

QTEs are godlike in this game

I have a long history with Kung Fu Panda. I was about 7 when the film came out, became obsessed with it, and badly wanted the video game. I didn't have a console but really REALLY wanted the HD version. I managed to get the DS version and played that one obsessively.

It's a fun 2.5D platformer, entirely touch controlled but it feels quite good. The story is set after the movie and involves you saving the Furious Five, then fighting Tai Lung again. Good shit. I played it to 97% completion (cannot find the final couple of souls for the life of me) and moved on with my life.

...Until I got an Xbox 360 earlier this year. Finally I realised I had the opportunity to play the big boy console version I was so desperate to try. And play it I did. It was OK.

What I liked: The animations during combat were really quite good. They had a nice sense of weight to them and helped the attacks feel satisfying when using them. The levels were relatively varied and actually very faithful recreations of areas from the movie (particularly the Jade Palace - I rewatched the film after completing the game and had flashbacks to the Tai Lung boss fight when I saw the Jade Palace in the film). Po's voice actor was also very good at pretending to be Jack Black. The other VAs were not good matches for the celebrity actors (shout out to the Ian McShane and Jackie Chan impersonators for being especially awful) but I genuinely thought they splashed out for Jack Black before seeing that it was an impersonator. Overall what I really liked (and why I even played it) was that it was a mindless 3D platformer and it's exactly what I wanted at that moment.

What I didn't like: Some of the level design was WACK, power scaling is nonexistent so when you upgrade your moves, you just one-shot every enemy. Also the narrative was fucked. Instead of doing an original story after the movie like the DS version, they decided to retell the movie? But with different events? And for some reason Po knows perfect Kung Fu before he ever starts training? Makes no sense. Undermines the story. Makes every setpiece feel like a cheaper version of the movie. 0/10.

The QTE on this one were incredible, I remember till today that final battle that needed 2 to 3 buttons at the same time. Good ol' days

For a movie tie-in, this is a fairly standard. A beat-em up, platformer linear game. But, if you are tired of all the AAA it is fun to go back to. It doesn't take much effort to beat nor demand much of your attention. Also nice if you want to relive some memories. Be warned that the PC version has some issues but you can fix it by looking on PCGamingWiki

It was actually good enough to make me play it whole second time years later

Melhor jogo de filme que tem pena que eu nunca zerei pq o jogo simplesmente decidiu parar de funcionar

توي تذكرتها اليوم.. بكملها ان شاء الله
مررة عجبتني وانا صغير كنت العبها وانا كنت مسافر في ماليزيا
بكملها ان شاء الله :)))))))

Este jogo era muito incrível na época, e eu não sei o porquê

Many years ago one of my best friends got all of the Xbox 360 achievements in this game, and he gave it to me when he finished, citing that it was my turn. He mentioned that the "beat the game without dying" achievement took him 2 weeks to get.

I sat down last summer, started it and got all of the achievements in one day.

It is nothing special as I only played it as a multiplayer game with my family. The only reason I still own this game is because it came with Lego Indiana Jones.

My expectations weren't very high, but this was a little better than I anticipated

Criado numa cantina nunca teve tal ambição e ao chegar lá em cima recebeu poder do Dragão, OOH AH YA, KUNG FU PANDA DUMDURUMDUM CHUMGAMDURUMDUMDUM
Mestre Shifu viu nascer um herdeiro ensinou-lhe os truques DO INCRÍVEL GUERREIRO KUNG FU PANDA DUMDURUMDUM JUMDUUMDUM
Vive e treina e luta com os cinco furiosos guarda o Vale da Paz de monstros tão perigosos OH AH YA
KUUNG FUUU PAAAANDA Lendas do Dragão Guerreiro (fofura)

Po eta roto y tai long da miedo

this game came in a combo case with lego indiana jones. pretty fun.

Es un juego muy interactivo al hacer que los ataques se realicen con la pantalla táctil, pero tiene un pequeño problema.

El porcentaje de progreso se determina mediante la historia y un coleccionable que son almas de un jarrón que Po rompe al principio del juego y están repartidas por todo el mapa. Bueno pues la única forma de saber si te has dejado algún alma es entrar en una zona y arriba te pone por ejemplo 19/24, pero si hace tiempo que no juegas, como el mapa es muy poco práctico, es bastante difícil saber si te has dejado alguna zona por mirar y al ser un juego algo mediocre, no existen casi tutoriales.

Edit: Ahora mismo tengo un 99% de progreso y me queda solo 1 medallón en todo el mapa, me es imposible.