Reviews from

in the past

Se me ha salido la rótula 4 veces y me dolió mucho menos que esto

a whole generation of indie developers obsessed with the self. this title will be forgotten along with its creator, and that's a good thing.

after playing this game i feel like i bore witness to somebody's soul. there's something raw and powerful about the things that are talked about in this game. including the one hard-hitting line towards the end of the game (you know what i'm talking about). i felt both validated in my own feelings and mental health while simultaneously felt i was intruding on something deeply personal. the art was amazing, too. highly recommend this game if you're in the proper headspace for it.

My experience with this game can be resume with a part in Chapter 6. I was quite emotionally exhausted by that point in the game and getting lost in another world, another manifestation of the protagonist's own emotional struggle, didn't help, but then i found a npc and when i interacted with it, it said: "It's nice to be lost sometimes." and i found that inmessively conforting in a way that few games have made me feel. It helped me getting through the rest of it.

i would feel bad giving this game anything under a 5 considering the reason it was made. very powerful and meaningful game

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I don't care this isn't almost a videogame.
This is the most perfect depiction of depression I've ever seen, and it hits like a rock.
"i wish i would die of cancer so everyone around me would feel bad for me for a moment and then live more happy than before"
"if i had more likes in twitter my life would be better"
"i don't have depression, my sister did, that's why she commited suicide"
"everything i've said is a lie"

It's just too much.
It's just too much.