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I feel... conflicted. This is coming from someone who didn't like Joyful Classic. I was expecting a rewrite, more quests, things that fixed my main problem with Joyful: The story being rushed. In the end, I got... mostly the same, which was disappointing. That being said, I LOVE the new combat system. It's a major improvement, and the extra content is pretty fun. However, it still falls flat. An improvement over the original, but it still could've been better

Un cortito epílogo con un tono mucho más depresivo pero que ayuda a cerrar el anterior

esse é bem painful também não deixem o título enganar

A weird but appropriate epilogue to LISA. The Painful's mechanics were already filtered down from JRPG traditions and put into a survival-style gameplay. They worked well. Joyful filters them down even further which can get repetitive but this isn't a very long game either so I didn't feel it too deeply while playing.

As for the story, I think it's thematically rich. It's gruesome as hell, but deep and organic in how chaotic the storytelling is. I won't go into spoilers but it's profoundly upsetting to think how the last human emotions felt in this world would be resentment and rage drowning in insanity. I can't think of a better ending to this saga.

My first impression of The Joyful is that it was a very short, very frustrating, and very disappointing as an epilogue. The second time around I appreciated the ways that it mixes up the gameplay formula more, but the package still feels flawed.

The game scales back a lot of the RPG elements of The Painful in favor of a more cinematic experience, but this is really a good thing because it plays to the game's strengths. The epilogue of this story plays out in a really satisfying way and there's some great and memorable moments. There's almost no random encounters so the story proceeds at a great pace. The humor in this is dialed back considerably compared to The Painful, but the story is still satisfying.

The additions for the Definitive Edition make this much, much more palatable than in the original release, but I still found that there were some difficulty balancing issues. Battles seem to take forever even once you get the hang of landing the critical strikes. I ended up turning on Painless Mode because the fights were far too long and repetitive at the normal difficulty. The fact that this game is only 2-3 hours long tells you just how bad the combat was.

you know how the dragon quest devs realized after one game that it’s a bad idea to have a turn-based rpg with a one-member party? it kinda turns every fight into a slog, and it’s waaay too easy to get stuck in an endless loop of taking a big hit, healing, taking another big hit, healing again, etc. also, while i appreciate the addition of a timed hit mechanic, the timing felt really inconsistent.

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The "dad says he's sorry" part made me cry so that gets points I think

Tragic and beautiful. I love Brad, but having a main party member with timing-based attacks was a better call.

Le pongo tan baja nota no porque no me haya gustado nada, sino por lo que podría haber sido. Noto que está hecho a prisas y sin tanto cariño, y hay errores en el combate y su balanceo(una vez desbloqueas la habilidad de sanación se va todo a la mierda). De todas formas, no es horrible.

Great cathartic ending and top off for the base game

My heart

If you feel joyful playing this please seek professional help

Il DLC/Sequel standalone di "Lisa: The Painful", rispetto al predecessore, non innova granché dal lato ludico, benché indirizzi il giocatore ad adottare un approccio più calcolato in battaglia e strategico nella gestione di risorse; tuttavia, come era prevedibile, si concentra maggiormente sulla narrazione, ampliando e concludendo i terribili eventi iniziati con il viaggio di Brad alla ricerca della sua "Ometta" nella Olathe devastata dal "Flash".

La gestione della difficoltà in "Lisa: The Joyful" è decisamente più onesta rispetto al gioco base, ma non per questo più semplice, anzi. Saranno pochissimi gli oggetti curativi a nostra disposizione, così come non esisterà praticamente nessun pg a darci supporto in battaglia, saremo solo noi e la nostra tattica, soli contro un mondo di spietati mostri (umani e mutanti) pronti a darci la caccia per i peggiori motivi.
Intendiamoci, The Joyful è un gioco piuttosto breve, perciò non avremo a disposizione un arsenale di mosse estremamente vario e malleabile, però sarà comunque divertente utilizzare quelle a nostra disposizione, ottenute, naturalmente, livellando la scatenata protagonista.
Degna di nota è l'aggiunta della corsa, feature che indorerà la pillola dei costanti backtracking e runback a cui saremo sottoposti.

Portare avanti una delle più belle storie del panorama videoludico, indipendente e non, mantenendo alto al contempo il livello di qualità della narrazione e dello sviluppo dei personaggi non era di certo un compito semplice, persino per la stessa mente creativa dietro la saga dei "Lisa".
The Joyful, purtroppo, non riesce totalmente nell'impresa. Sicuramente alcuni momenti sono memorabili e lo sviluppo della protagonista lascia molto a riflettere sul tema dell'autodifesa, ma è anche vero che i nuovi eventi non forniscono delle risposte soddisfacenti agli ultimi quesiti lasciati in sospeso, oltre i quali non si sentiva realmente il bisogno di questo sequel. Alcuni personaggi vengono totalmente stravolti, con il risultato di ottenere la perdita di tutto il loro senso drammatico. Ma questa è trama canonica e l'autore ha "sempre" ragione... magari in un futuro uscirà un seguito o un prequel che fornirà ulteriori chiarimenti.

Tecnicamente è possibile giocarlo senza aver prima recuperato "Lisa: the Painful", ma non lo consiglierei affatto, altrimenti non potrebbe essere totalmente comprensibile.

Alla fine si tratta di un buon rpg, ma non di certo di una perla da recuperare a tutti i costi, al contrario del prequel.

well then

So my critiques from the Painful - Definitive Edition still apply here. Gamefeel in combat is kinda weird. I'd argue a bit less so, but it's still there.

Unlike with Painful, I do think this is the best version of the game to play. While Painful mostly saw changes in the fluff, stuff like party member interactions and whatnot, Joyful has received a few small mechanical changes that drastically alter the quality of the game's combat.

The new warlord abilities are excellent. Chef's kiss. Not all of them are of equal use, but they allow Buddy to better act as a solo party member and are good enough that you could actually do a Joyless run of the game, which was previously considered the incorrect way to play and an absolute slog if you tried. Now? I kinda love doing this game Joyless. It's way more fun than I was expecting and you're going to need to do it Joyless to access the new content.

I guess they called it a "sidequest." That's a term for it. My first major issue with LISA: The Joyful - Definitive Edition is that the new content is INCREDIBLY DIFFICULT TO FIND. I mean, sure, we live in the era of just looking shit up on the internet, but this is a whole other level. You're forced to solve an incredibly esoteric series of puzzles, some of which require you to have prior knowledge of LISA: The First and the secret content in LISA: The Painful - Definitive Edition. LISA: The First isn't included in the Definitive Edition, so some players will just have absolutely no idea where to even begin.

But to swing back to complimenting the game, I do think the new content is very good. Same as with Painful. It feels more focused than the original, tying together much more nicely both with the overall story of LISA and the new content in Painful. It goes in a few bold directions that I'll admit I'm not entirely a fan of. Without spoiling, there is a specific line that is meant to highlight a character's immaturity and cowardice that ended up taking me out of the experience. Even so, I think the broad strokes are incredibly well done. Fortune favors the bold.

The problem is that if you don't seek out any of this additional content, the story of Joyful is identical to the original. It still feels unfocused trying to resolve the unanswered questions of the original and concluding the arcs of several major characters. This wouldn't be such a problem were the new content easier to find, but for the majority of players who want to go in blind, they're going to be playing through the same, incredibly flawed story that the original had, just with better gameplay. Maybe that's enough for some people, but I wish it weren't so.

This is definitely a better game than the original LISA: The Joyful, and I would consider this game great, but it isn't a masterpiece even with the changes. And if you don't know where to look to get the meat of the content, then you'll end up with a worse experience.

Now I am done with LISA.

For now.


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Very mixed on the new content but I feel like I'll be more negative on it the more I think about it. I'm glad these remakes decided to try and develop Lisa's actual character a bit more but I think the Painful's new content did it a lot better than this. Buddy does not feel like an appropriate character to be exploring Lisa through. Ironically a lot of the issues with the new content are pretty similar to the issues with base Joyful so my opinions on this haven't really changed that much. Meh.

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Going into this, I did not expect the changes to improve the game by much, both in gameplay and story. I am happy to say that I was mostly wrong in that assumption. First, the gameplay. It somehow felt like much less if a slog than the original. The addition of Warlord Skills are also welcome addition to round out Buddy’s skillset, in addition to slight replayability by killing the warlords in different orders to make use of their skills in different battles. The new superboss that was added is also a welcome challenge even if its also a punishing rng-fest of a fight. Assuming you go the aggressive route for that fight. Still provides a welcome challenge for the defensive route. As far as story goes, a few small scenes are added to flesh out some characters some more, in addition to a small heap of new content if the right conditions are fulfilled, which include that aforementioned superboss. While this new ending content is certainly divisive, I personally like it. It rights some of the wrongs from the original game’s endings with regards to character motivations and other things.
…However I will agree that the fucking “binky” line is entirely unnecessary and completely butchers the tone of the scene

has one of the most climatic (and possibly unfair) superbosses a RPG could have. they doubled down on the plot's closure. i liked how they fleshed out everything about lisa, buddy and brad.

It's a lot more frenetic than it's predecessor, and this time it works out thanks to the new mechanics. it wasn't as well balanced back in 2015.

also has one hell of a uncomfortable boss battle.

while I don't think that joyful was on par with painful (mainly cause painful has more content) i still think its worth playing if u liked painful and gave any amount of shit about its story

Lisa: The Joyful is kind of a disappointing followup, it lacks the openness and variety of Painful, and seemingly only exists to answer questions about the characters and setting that don’t need to be answered.

Underneath all that is still the great foundation Painful built, so definitely worth a play if you enjoyed Painful.


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The game is still good, like the original was.
The new stuff is nice but it overshadows Buddy with too much content about Brad and Lisa, I get that the game is named after her but she's not the protagonist of this story and underutilizing Buddy like this is criminal.

[Major spoilers past this point]

A lot of the new dialogue feels awkward and comes off as characters stating how they feel at each other with no real interaction. The Buzzo/Buddy dialogue towards the climax of the new ending is the main culprit of this. The line where Buddy, a child with no idea of what women are like as she has never met one, addresses Buzzo by starting a line with "As a woman" came off as incredibly silly.
The path to getting to the new ending is incredibly obtuse for no reason (no shot the average person is finding it without a guide). While this is a criticism that also applies to Painful's Definitive Edition, I wasn't a fan of how it handled the visions that Buddy goes through in the new areas. Lisa always had a mix of supernatural and really out there sci-fi stuff, but the supernatural elements were vague enough that you could just choose to see them as a metaphor or hallucinations or anything like that. In the new content Buddy straight up sees ghosts and things that she would have no way of knowing about, I'm not sure what this is meant to imply for the wider "canon" of the Lisa trilogy but it still left me more confused than anything, it didn't explain much and just added several more questions.
...which is something I could say about most of the new content in both games, actually.

Seeing the aftermath of a lot of things was very thrilling!!!!! I think it's not as good as the painful but it's still good!

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Warlord skills are fun as hell, great improvement to the gameplay I feel.

Gotta say. I kinda liked how cryptic getting all the items for the new content was. Really enjoyed weird specific things like standing still and waiting for a squirrel to throw a fish at you.

The VERY end was also great, but I was slightly put off by the different vibe it gave off. Shoutout to Buddy for calling out Buzzo on his sudden attempt at being sympathetic. It was something I didn't like my very first time through, so it was nice to see that acknowledged

good continuation story-wise from the painful, but far less interactions with npcs/party members in this one, hurting the gameplay and the atmosphere for me.

its way shorter and boring to play than the painful but painfuls ending makes you really curious so you need to play this game after it