Reviews from

in the past

Lone Echo is hands down one of the best vr games. The movement system is incredibly innovative, letting you float and jet around in zero gravity without pulling you out of the experience like teleportation and thumbstick locomotion can. The atmosphere is equally impressive as it captures the cold vastness of space excellently. The story and characters are some of the best in a vr game as well. The developers clearly put a ton of work into making your companion, Liv, feel like a real person. The only real complaint I have is that the game is fairly short for $40.

When it comes to vr, it doesn't get much better then this.

Despite being an older title for vr it stands up so well

Wow! This really knocked me for a loop. Above I talked about Red Matter having great atmosphere; this does everything so much better. Top drawer voice acting, high quality art and a zero-gravity setting which would only work in VR. Floating around, pulling yourself about using your surroundings and adjusting yourself using your boosters becomes second nature by the end and I found I was navigating around really smoothly and precisely. That didn't stop me from actually panicking at the end to the point where I lost all hand-eye co-ordination though; it takes a lot to get me to that point.

After the climax I looked it up and saw there's a sequel coming. Can't wait. A 'premium' experience and one that hasn't come down in price but one that's worth it if you're in PC VR. The multiplayer's supposed to be very good as well.

Weird that there's alot of focus given to an implied relationship rather than building it out from the get go. Liv keeps talking about what a great rapport her and Jack have when you could have had the player develop that relationship over the course of a game. It's still a very neat AAA experience, but doesn't do anything unique to VR to enhance the experience outside of VR's basic immersive quality.

I cannot believe I haven't played this game yet, I slept on this game for so long and anyone with VR who hasn't played it yet is hardcore sleeping of one of the top 5 games available for any VR system.
The movement and traversal is perfect for VR and can only exist in VR, the story and world is interesting, the art design and graphical quality is SECOND-TO-NONE, and honestly, this is a near-perfect game.
THE ONLY ISSUE I HAVE, is that I wish there were more puzzles, there are plenty of traversal challenges but outside of that there's mostly just putting things in the right place puzzles, if you can even call those puzzles.

This is one of the best VR games you can play and you're doing yourself a disservice by not playing it right now.

Doing VR chores at zero gravity is a pain.

It's hard to express how much I adore this game.
Objectively, there's not a ton of meat on the bones here, you could finish this in like 2 sittings (and that's if you take your time to soak things in).
But whatever it's lacking in terms of content or maybe story, it absolutely makes up for it in immersion and world-building. The movement system is immaculate, probably the best I've seen in a VR game. And there is detail on a microscopic level. There have been times I've replayed this game, and noticed something new I legitimately never knew about prior.
Maybe I oversell this game, but it is a crime how unnoticed it is (The Rift exclusivity really didn't help either). VR is inherently niche, PCVR even moreso. But if you have the hardware for it, I heavily implore you to play this game (use Revive if you have to).