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in the past

Why Bioware decided to focus even more heavily on the combat aspects of one of the clumsiest, most oafish systems of gunplay mechanics in any AAA title continues to be one of the great bafflements in the history of the medium.

(Also I am a staunch defender of the planet scanning feature but it really couldn't have been that difficult to make it like 15% more efficient.)

This game is sure legendary

eu não sou mais a mesma pessoa depois desse jogo

First played on an xbox one about 9 years ago but I never finished it back then. Now I finally finished and completed the first game I ever played. I romanced Miranda. I saved everyone. I made every single loyalty mission. And I finally met Legion.


Improves on the first one in almost every way and builds to a sensational finale. Amazing cast. All timer.

I don't think I can properly judge this game after just one playthrough. Two or maybe even three will be necessary. What I can say right now is that there's no substantial improvements 2 makes to 1. I'm not a fan of the simplified RPG elements, or the change from heat gauges to ammo, and I think 1 was a lot more tightly written.
That being said, though, it's still Mass Effect 2. Just because I didn't like some of the changes doesn't mean it doesn't kick ass anyways. A masterclass in atmosphere and consequence, best described as "Bold in a way that games before and since haven't achieved."

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Kinda pissed that it locked me out of a Legion's loyalty mission and I did start to feel a bit burned out at points because I started this right after ME1, but I can still tell this is a great game.

Lots of embarrassing and dumb writing choices, but the volume and density of bespoke storytelling is still pretty dazzling. There's just something immediate and intimate about how BioWare block dialogue scenes in this game. These characters are just Too Big on-screen and the overall effect is so stylish it demands your attention. For what's ultimately a really rudimentary third-person shooter, the rock-paper-scissors elements of the combat are just engaging enough to carry the thing.

Continuing with my replay of the Mass Effect series comes everyone's favorite -- Mass Effect 2. It's been many years since I played it, so I was a bit surprised of the notable differences between it and the first title, both in how the game is structured and played. I was expecting to greatly prefer ME2, but I actually found the two about equal. I really prefer Mass Effect's more traditional RPG stat system and its heat-based weapons, versus ME2's approach to upgrades and limited ammunition. Mass Effect 2 I felt was much more character focused than the first title, with most of the "mandatory" missions being the recruitment and then loyalty missions for each character. It's a bit of a different story dynamic than I was expecting, but I grew to really enjoy this approach. I didn't do enough of the optional ME1 missions back in the day to really appreciate who they were setting Cerberus to be, and while I understand Shepard's reasoning for working with them better now, I do think they whitewashed them a bit in this -- they were injecting acid into POWs in the first game just to see what would happen after all. They could've followed the same basic story beats as the first Mass Effect, but instead they took their characters and story to a place that is less expected, but it paid off greatly for them in the end. Also I'll say it, I liked the Mako in ME1 and missed it.

Gameplay - 8
Story - 10
Graphics - 8
Soundtrack - 10
Level Design - 9
World Building - 10
Character Development - 10
Immersion - 10
Longevity - 10
Innovation - 10

Overall - 9.5

so garrus was trying his best to kill himself in the most destructive way possible, but as soon as shepard shows up again, he's completely normal again? that's wrong. my damsel in distress should have been crazier


(from original post in 2022) Surprised illusive man wasn't a villain, maybe that happens in 3

This is almost a polar opposite game gameplay wise compared to the first. They god rid of most of the rpg elements in favor of making it more actiony, which, is alright, because the combat is still really fun. The story got a boost tho which is nice, the stakes are higher and more dangerous. Most of the plot is just recruiting members for a suicide mission, so even tho it’s simple, it’s still really good. Most of your party members are fucking fantastic in this game, they really went all out with them, even tho I do think it’s a little too much, the first game had 6, this one has 12 which is actually insane. There are a couple in here that aren’t great, cough cough, Jacob, but otherwise they're all written really well. This is the most popular game in the series, and I can see why, just not for me.

I have a lot of little issues with this game but it's still really good

Mass Effect 2 is incredible, a sci-fi adventure masterpiece that should sit alongside the likes of Star Wars as one of the genre greats.

There are some pitfalls here and there, such as concessions made to the RPG aspects of the game in favour of smoothing the clunkier gameplay of the original release of Mass Effect or a variety of content cut short or left unfinished due to either development time limits, console hardware limits (such as DVD size limits on the Xbox 360), or publisher backlash fears (such as Bioware cutting down on the freedom of available companion romance options), but even with all the wondering of what could have been put aside Mass Effect 2 is still a must-play for any fans of sci-fi or RPGs.

One of the greats. It's been a while since I have been so immersed into a game world.

The shooting has been improved from 1 and progression is a lot more meaningful and enjoyable even if the rpg elements were stripped back. They also removed the bad car segments from the first game which automatically bumps the rating up half a star. I also like that the renegade options aren't strictly evil, but more so just aggresive. In the first one, renegade was just being a horrible person which made me wonder why anyone would ever go that path for the first time. The best part of this game is how it makes you feel like you are Shepard.

Immersion is hard to establish and it doesn't hit the same for everyone, but giving players key options for all of their teammates is major. The ending is great and makes you ponder on all your choices before and during it. This is not a main story game however, if you just rush through the main story, you probably will not like it much. This is one where you have to take it at your own pace and savor it.

So far, I am enjoying the Mass Effect franchise way more than I thought I would. How great 2 is in comparison to 1 is not blatantly apparent at first but it gets you right into it. The game went from like a 8 to a 9, to a 10 in the course of like 3 hours of playtime. I would try these games even if you aren't a sci-fi guy, because I am certainly not. It's like 6 bucks on sale for all three.

A once per year playthrough for me, along with the rest of the trilogy. One of the best pieces of science-fiction media of all time. Long live Commander Shepard and the crew of the SSV Normandy!

I only played so I can get a feel of what the mass effect games are like, and it was actually really fun. Characters that actually feel real, an MC that's a cornball but likable, and solid gunplay with upgrades that feel fun. Combine this all with a story that is actually intriguing, and you got a good ass game on your hands.

Apesar de gostar muito de ME2, eu tenho sentimentos mistos sobre o rumo que tomaram após o primeiro.

Mass Effect 1 sempre me ressoou aos grandes Sci-Fi, como Duna, com temáticas complexas e pensadas fora do convencional, até em sua apresentação visual, com uma ambientação muito mais séria (não que seus sucessores não sejam), uma cinematografia que mostrava o quão grande eram estes constructos alienígenas e como tudo apenas soava e aparentava tão épico quanto de fato eram, mas aqui, tudo foi muito reduzido, com uma filosofia de imagem diferente do original, que não me foi tão positivo quanto o meu contato com o primeiro.

Apesar do nitpick, ME2 segue uma estrutura de narrativa muito melhor que o primeiro, dessa vez focando mais em seu elenco de personagens do que o Plot em si, tanto que a principal mecânica do jogo é o seu esquadrão, tudo gira em torno disto, o principal foco é conhecer seus companheiros, estreitar relações e lidar com os problemas que essas mesmas relações conflituosas geram.

Por ser um sistema muito bem desenhado (arrisco dizer ser tão bom quanto o Nemesis), todo o jogo se beneficia disto, com as missões principais tendo um ritmo muito melhor e individualmente mais interessante, pois cada uma contem arcos de histórias com começo-meio-fim, que podem ter diferentes resultados ou que o jogador consiga influenciar em como elas se desenrolam, de forma menor ou maior e, esse impacto de suas relações são levados até o fim, com o desfecho de personagens mudando de acordo sua afinidade com eles.

Em conclusão, eu gostaria que tivesse se mantido na filosofia de criação do primeiro jogo, mas ME2 também é incrível a sua maneira.

*Played via the Legendary Collection on PS4

Still the G.O.A.T in terms of the characters and interactions between your party members. I am knocking it down a point for the fact that despite the wonderfully told and written main story - including everything to do with your team and their loyalty missions, dialogue, etc. - the side content is actually really fucking boring. Scanning planets for resources sucks ass, the side missions themselves suck ass, and all of it feels very inconsequential and unnecessary.
I actually took a few months' break from the game during Act 2 of the story because I was just so bored with doing the side content. My gaming OCD would never allow me to shotgun main objectives without doing side missions first, however, so that soured my playthrough of the game for a little while until I had taken enough time to return to the game and complete it finally.