Reviews from

in the past

Even though I had to restart once I persevered and it was much more enjoyable than my first playthrough.

Eu amei jogar esse jogo, conheci a franquia por ele, e eu pretendo rejogar em breve

The game is just alright, but I love the amiibo that Capcom released to go along with this. You can take the riders off the monsters and switch them around. It's neat.

I did not know I needed pokemon x monster hunter in my life until I got it, so based

Kill the parent, steal their eggs, ???

The best pokemon-monster hunter mash-up we-re gonna get. Simple yet cool and satisfying turn-based mechanics. The in-game rival is also really good (Silver from Pokemon Gold vibes)

I think anything I could say on this game would have some bias because I've been obsessed with it since 2018, but it's a well-constructed monster collector with cute art, surprisingly fun writing and characters, and 100 whole Poogies. Unparalleled.

Pokemon con dragones, aunque ya había dragones en pokemon pero estos no te miran con cara de uwu.

Better mechanically than any Pokemon game I've played. Fulfills my desire to play a monster hunter game where I can do more than just kill the monsters, since I really like all of their designs.

bien sympa n'en déplaise à la racaille

this one was pretty cute. not amazing but i wasnt expecting it to be. characters and story are basic but it was heartwarming nevertheless. combat is simple as well and easy to get into.

wish exploring was more streamlined and that item gathering wasnt such a pain in the ass.

also god damn those cutscenes. both in game and out. they were really well made.

A fantastic idea, with great presentation, but rough around the edges and doesn't QUITE hit the mark. Thankfully, the sequel -despite suffering from development issues due to covid - exists, which addresses most of these problems. Phew!

Just a really nice game where monsters are seen as monsters, but are actually kind creatures (this makes me really think of How to Train your Dragon!), with who you can become friends and fight evil.

Bought on a whim and glad i did. Such a fun monster collector and a great set up for the amazing sequel.

Best game ever, I ABSOLUETLY recommand it and just enjoy the nostalgia. Even the post game is extreamely good and the way to catch new monsters is just fabulous.

Didn't quite finish it, but I spent like 50 hours in it back in the day, so that counts for something. Art style is super cute, and I'll probably pick up the remaster, or play the sequel.

My main issue with this game is the combat. There's clearly more to it than what is shown the surface but the game never really bothers to explain those aspects. For most of the game, it felt like the game only had normal type mons with very few other elemented monster, something that other monster-catching games also face. Also feels more grindy than your average RPG, and that's coming from someone who unintentionally beat the game under-levelled. Most quests are also repetitive.

Esse foi o meu primeiro Monster Hunter que eu conheci e joguei, minha paixão começo por aqui, conheci esse universo incrível e dai pra frente so veio a se tornar melhor, acho que minha paixão pelos monstros começou aqui