Reviews from

in the past

Graphically great, fun story, kombat seems a bit simplified and sometimes buggy

I gotta say, kinda disappointed with the story of this one. It just ended so quickly, finale wasn’t even half as exciting as in MK11. Bummer.

A good restart for the series though it lacks a certain bit of innovation i would love to see netherrealm evolve their formula with newer things because a great story does not really cut it anymore as a selling point.

Weirdly enough for a strange sort of reboot of the series, this really feels like the Mortal Kombat formula finally fully stagnating. I can't think of anything this game does that the other Netherrealm entries haven't already done far better and more memorably, and the Kameos and welcome attempts at appealing to fans of the 6th gen era of MK don't really save the game from feeling like it takes away more content and depth than it adds anything new or meaningful to the franchise. It feels like the creativity is going bankrupt and the franchise just reached a point where it's doing nothing beyond "doing the job" and going through a boring checklist for what makes up a functional Mortal Kombat game that will appease the fans for a short period of time before they feel like going back to the better games also available on the same modern consoles - or other better fighting games for that matter.

I enjoyed playing it enough - at the end of the day, it is the average Mortal Kombat gameplay and I think it's fun. I like the series. But it just feels barren and undercooked overall and I feel salty about it. Just made me wanna go back to Street Fighter 6 really.

Played through every MK story since 9 with a friend and we had a good time but it felt very Marvel-ized and formulaic/safe even for a "reboot"

The best gameplay in the series since MK9, the graphics are phenomenal and now it finally has good music, the last time it was good was in the 3D era.

One thing that I think is good but could've been better was the story. Up until chapter 9, it was amazing, but then it kinda derails, the gimmick at the end is pretty amazing tho.

Since this is a GaaS, it's missing a ton of QoL features and content, and this hurts the new gamemode, Invasions, a lot. It has potential to be good, but at launch, it's awful. In a year or 2, this game will finally be "complete", and I HATE this new trend

Very polished and fun to play even for a casual. I found the story really well done and the invasions mode is so much better than the krypt. This is easily my favourite fighting game since Smash Ultimate.

Gameplay excelente, história confusa e bagunçada no fim, e modo invasões repetitivo.


Mortal Kombat finalmente volta após um final intrigante no Aftermatch com a promessa de ser o reinício da franquia e realmente é mas ao mesmo tempo é uma continuação, semelhante ao que aconteceu no MK9 e posso dizer que é no geral uma ótima forma de recomeçar, vamos aos detalhes.

O combate é MK, divertido de jogar e uma delícia quando pega o jeito (meu main é o Liu Kang), segue bem no estilo do MK11 mas com algumas adições e a mais importante sendo a mecânica dos parceiros que no início tive medo de ser muito quebrada mas até que não é tão apelona como esperava, claro com o online ficando mais forte provavelmente vai vir os mais apelões mas pelo menos na campanha ou nas torres até que está ok e adoro ver essa mecânica mais na ativa como no FighterZ.

Temos entre os modos disponíveis o KAMPANHA que trás a História, um novo modo chamado Invasões com mecânicas de RPG num tabuleiro e as clássicas torres com 5 variações e vários modos de dificuldade. Temos o modo VERSUS que traz o local com um bom número de lutadores, parceiros e mapas, o online que tem a Kasual, Rankeada e Liga e o torneio. Opção de KUSTOMIZAR também está disponível com vários tipos de roupas para lutadores e parceiros e diferente do MK11 é tudo estético. Tem o modo APRENDER que trás os tutorias e modo treino. Tem também os EXTRAS com uma loot-box que usa moedas douradas pra conseguir as roupas ou artes conceituais e por fim a galeria que mostra as artes, vídeos de cada final dos personagens, kréditos e etc. No geral um bom número de coisas pra fazer, mas seria bom vai coisas pra uma vida útil maior, agora vou falar dos que achei mais interessante.

O modo história tá muito bom, os vídeos estão mega bem feitos, parece que estou assistindo um filme de nível cinema, MK11 já era impressionante e o 1 só eleva mais isso, curti muito ver às mudanças da história e gostei boa parte do tempo, eu zerei ela em 5h30 que achei um tempo bom, foi uma das campanhas que mais curti do estúdio junto com Injustice 2 mas o final.... achei bem pataquada, ele é legal até, tem um motivo de história mas senti meio apressado e principalmente exageradamente grandioso, eu tava rindo de nervoso, era só o 1° jogo dessa renovação, não precisava fazer algo tão colossal, era como esperar em Homem de Ferro 1 algo nível Ultimato, num faz sentido, sei que MK é meio doido com as histórias mas senti que foi um pouco demais, mas ainda curti.

Eu achei legalzinho, a proposta é legal mas sinto que ele é muito básico e com o tempo fica entediante, o único motivo que me daria vontade de jogar seria pra variar o gameplay ou ir atrás dos 100%, além que as telas de loading pra cada luta são bem longas (pelo menos em HDD), o tabuleiro poderia ter mais coisas acontecendo, até tem mais é insuficiente pra querer continuar até o fim, diz o tutorial, 1° mapa e o início do 2° no nível 8 e não pretendo finalizar.

Estão lindos, é uma evolução natural do MK11, não é um salto como do 9 pro X ou X pro 11 mas dá pra se notar a diferença principalmente pelos modelos serem mais realista e principalmente os cenários que são muito bem feitos com uma grande densidade de detalhes, é belo.

A trilha é boa, combina com os momentos mas não foi algo que me marcou ou diria como destaque. A dublagem está ótima e combina bem com cada personagem.

Até que sim, meu PC tá longe de ser o melhor do mundo e mesmo assim arrisquei um médio e consegui jogar com uma taxa aceitável e tava bem satisfatório e com um ótimo visual, os maiores problemas que tive foram algumas travadas em certos momentos, quedas de FPS às vezes quando aparecia um parceiro e principalmente no início quando eu não tinha feito a compilação de shader inteira por precisar reiniciar o jogo toda hora por ele não conseguir terminar na 1° vez, foram necessário várias vezes de abrir o jogo até terminar e não garante 100% de performance e vai ser necessário compilação além da 1° vez.

Tive outros pontos negativos e até que numa quantidade razoável, pelo menos na minha experiência na versão PC, entre eles problemas no áudio (algumas vezes a dublagem atrasa ou não sai), transição das cinemáticas pra gameplay às vezes não era tão natural com glitches ou travadas, modo invasão em inglês, travadas na tela de seleção de personagem, loadings grandes em HDD, parece ter sido otimizado só pra SSD (uma partida teve loading no meio), demora pra entrar no jogo, 2 crash no meio das torres pequenos bugs e glitches, ex: Cabeça decepada voadora após um brutality e menus que ficam um tempo a mais que devia e mancha preta.

O game custa 279,90 na Steam, mais caro nos consoles, além de uma versão Premium de 449,90 com conteúdo exclusivo como uma Skin pro Jonny que nem pode ser comprada separadamente ou com um upgrade, o Shang Tsung virou personagem da pré-venda ou você paga por ele, o preço dos personagens dobrou comparado ao 11, de 20 para 40 reais o que é um absurdo pra um boneco, o 1° Kombat Pack custa 169,99, também muito elevado, além de pacote para comprar Kristais de dragão, um moeda do jogo, são muitas coisas abusivas e que são importantes pro jogo como os personagens que dão a vida útil pra esse tipo de game, é extremamente abusivo e após o MKX só tem se intensificado e até rolar algo inacreditável que dê um boom na internet parece ser improvável de ser mudado, mas continuarei apontando.

Mesmo com os problemas curti bastante o reinício da franquia, tem bastante potencial de melhorar vários personagens, adoraria uma expansão da franquia pra outros estilos de jogo, ainda sonho com um jogo de ação ou um Shaolin Monks novo, no geral é um grande jogo de luta que vale a pena ficar de olho, mas pelo preço se você não liga tanto pra campanha ou em querer focar no competitivo/rankeadas recomendo esperar uma promoção pra valer mais a pena, principalmente quando vir uma versão Ultimate. No momento só joguei 13h30 mas pretendo continuar curtindo o game offline porque no online eu não tanko os pro-player kkkkk.

Favorite story out of any MK. Shows how amazing classic characters can be if you don’t immediately shove them aside for new ones.

A lot of fun, even if rough and unfinished around the edges. Nice looking fighters and environments. Gory and over the top as you would expect.

so much fun that i forgot that i spent over 100 bucks on a unfinished game- wait what the fuck? i spent over 100 dollars on an UNFINISHED GAME?!?!

This review contains spoilers

Johnny Cage made a better Indiana Jones film than James Mangold

Se por um lado a maioria dos personagens estão super carismáticos, do outro essa é uma das piores histórias de MK que já joguei até hoje, tudo parece ser um grande desperdício de potencial. Os gráficos tão insanos e a melhor jogababilidade desde o MKX.

Currently at 40 or so hours genuinely just still amazed how NRS successfully made a good MK after 11 keep it up NRS im excited to see the future of MK go forward with this type of gameplay

Gameplaywise, this is the best MK. Story started really great and kept getting better until that godawful last act, which ended in like half an hour?
Kustomization is worse than MK11 and feels insanely grindy.
Might change my opinion on Invasions after I play it more.

Gameplay is rock solid as always but what the fuck was that story mode ending? Felt like a shitty DC crossover event, like did we really need to do Armageddon again? Did anybody want that? Really deflates an otherwise great fighting game.

The first thing I want to say is that this game is BEAUTIFUL. These were some of the best backgrounds I have seen in any fighting game and each characters' redesigns are great. The base roster is really good too, it was nice to see so many old characters return, while still keeping some newer ones. The change in some character's backstories and personalities are also really well done. I can't believe I actually like Sindel, Shang Tsung, Reptile, and Raiden for once. Liu Kang is also an amazing character here, to me he finally feels like the main character he has always intended to be. The main story was also amazing for the most part. The final act had some goofy moments, but honestly, they were still fun and cool so I still liked them. Now as for Invasions, I'll see if I like them over time, but I much prefer this over Towers of TIme from MK11. As for now, this is honestly a perfect MK game in my book and I am really excited for what NR has in store for the rest of this new era!! (Also really excited for Takeda and Omni Man in the DLC)
Edit: $12 for a fatality is ridiculous...
Final score: 7/10

fun game, shouldve been delayed a year or two tho

Story is pretty bad but combat wise one of my favorite MK games already.

Probably my favorite story of an MK game. While I don't like the character designs newrly as much as 11, the graphics are the best the series has ever seen. I'm pretty torn on the kameo machanic, it feels really gimmicky and forced, but it's a good way to include characters. The Krypt is sorely missed. Invasions is fun as hell. Loses half a star for not feeling as responsive as 11 did though (especially with amplified moves).

So far i've been maining Reptile and Li Mei. Still need a few trophies so I'll continue grinding it for a while.

Most enjoyable and refreshing MK after that fraud MK11

Great storymode, fighting is as good as you expect out of NRS, towers are here, invasions is new, decent roster, its a great game

meio que decepciomou pois teve uns downgrades comparado ao mk11, principalmente na questão de customização, mas fora isso o jogo continua sendo impecável gráficos lindos cutscenes bem cinematograficas etc etc história bem ok, ta bem fraco de conteudo no lançamento mas acredito que vão adicionando aos poucos engual o mk11

super super fun and had a story that made me want to play it in one sitting

Here's a series that I've been pretty back and forth about. I started with the original Mortal Kombat on Genesis then skipped all the way to Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance on GBA then to Mortal Kombat Armageddon on the Wii then played every Mortal Kombat game after that in order, which lead up to my favorite Mortal Kombat 11 and me loving it and wonder just how the series would continue after such a heavy reboot...ya know...after they just rebooted it a few games ago. I was SUPER hyped waiting for the next game and here it is.

Okay whew...that was a lot of explaining, but it had to be done because I hadn't reviewed one prior. Speaking of prior games, I don't think it would be much of a shock to say, this is the best looking Mortal Kombat game to date. I know the aim of most Triple A studios is to have the graphics or at least the cutscenes look as true to life as possible and I think MK1 nearly nails it. The more I played the game...or moreso watched it, the more I kept feeling like I was watching a real movie, and the game feels like at times it's like one coat of polish away from looking 100% real. The stages, the characters, the effects, everything looks really amazing and runs very smooth. Mortal Kombat has come a VERY long way since the first reboot.

I'm not gonna lie, Mortal Kombat to me has never really had memorable music to it save for the Genesis version of the first game, the rest always felt like background noise to me, and MK1 seems to be a good step up of mixing music well with the cinematics and the battles.
Although the best part of the game is the voice acting. Except for one character, all the others gave an extremely well done performance and it was great to see and hear characters who didn't play as big a role in the past, now stand in the forefront.

I'm not sure if I played or watched someone play Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, but I remember it having a chain command combo system, which seems to be the heavy importance of how this game plays. It kinda feels simplified for the most part but with subtle hints of a higher skill ceiling. I'm not great at fighting games, but this one felt semi comfortable and never felt stale. As someone who hates the "tag system" the Vs Capcom series uses, I believe MK1's Kameo system is probably the best version of that idea and keeps the gameplay fresh without becoming overwhelming. Like I said I'm far from an expert, so this is from a VERY casual player.

The story...the best part of the game by far. After the end of MK11 Aftermath I was already super ready for the new world of Mortal Kombat and in no way did this really disappoint at all. I feel it's a reboot done right. this story is filled to the brim with references to the past games and media of the franchise and spins some of the things on it's head to make something brand new, or makes things once non canon now canon. It must be played to be appreciated...I say "played" but really it must be watched, because, yeah this is a game, but story mode plays out like a movie with enough fights scenes so you don't forget it's a game. I can't count that as a negative, because I was so drawn into the story it was telling, I didn't realize I had been watching more than I was playing until about the halfway point. That says a lot for someone who played all the Metal Gear Solid games.

So does it have an issues?

- While it offers the best story ever, it lacks any of the extra stuff past MK games gave you to do outside the story. (Example: The Krypt in Armageddon.)

- It's not surprising to me, but the Fatalities feel like they were trying too hard to be shocking to the point they look kinda ridiculous at times and partially recycle past characters motions or actions.

Very few issues I have there and they weren't really issues as much as my own opinions. Ultimately I really enjoyed the story to this game and eagerly wait for the DLC story expansion as well as what MK2 has in store.

Uno de los mejores fightning games de siempre, y como Mortal Kombat, ahí ahí uno de los mejores.

El modo Historia es increíble, nada que envidiar a otros triple A. El resto, estupendo salvo el modo Invasión, muy aburrido y repetitivo.

The story for this game was actually pretty fire. I love alot of the timeline changes that occurred like Mileena, Baraka, and Reptile. Liu Kang is an amazing protagonist and does a great job of trying to keep the peace.

Invasions, however, is so boring and super tedious. The fact that you can get gear from it is cool but it takes forever to finish.

Online ranked has moved to just being Kombat League and I do not know how to feel about that. It feels like a super toxic environment that you have to play just for some skins that may be just eh.

Overall, the gameplay is absolutely fantastic. There may have been a few bugs and crashes but they're not the worst thing in the world. I managed to pull through. Kameos are cool too.

Typiquement le jeu dont j'avais besoin pour patienter avant Tekken 8 l'année prochaine. Hyper grisant à jouer, peut-être un poil moins fluide que Tekken pour y avoir touché.

J'ai trouvé le mode histoire cool mais pas hyper intéressant à suivre, même pas de fatalities dedans, ça enlève de la saveur alors qu'on joue à Mortal Kombat.

Visuellement ça défonce, un des plus beaux jeux de combat que j'ai pu faire. Les Fatal Flow, les Fatalities sont juste trop trop stylés et j'ai juste hâte de voir les nouveaux persos (surtout Omni-Man omg)

J'ai un peu testé les Invasions qui permet de récupérer des skins et des persos secondaires, ça marche pas mal aussi.

Bref, un très bon jeu pour attendre le messie début 2024 !