Reviews from

in the past

Too many broken characters man.. No balancing, no updates, no players. This game died for a reason.

Bought for Perona in swim suit and nothing else ( gonna try to 100% this one)

Really fun fighter, cool concepts just wish the story moe adapted more than Marineford and Dressrosa

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jogo divertido multiplayer local (mesmo jogando no parsec foi fodones gameplay) mas o modo historia é meio pateticozinho, imcompleto pra krl, em 2016 ja tinha whole cake no manga, dava pra dar uma ajudadinha né, (ver o ace morrendo é engraçado)

Só tem a saga de marineford no modo história, mas a gameplay é legal

C’est un excellent jeu de combat dommage qu’il soit si sous cote.

Yet more ass from Spike Chunsoft. Nigga I played the demo and I knew that shit wasn’t worth the absurd amount of money that it is. Jeez.

Não acho o combate tão divertido e só cobre 1 arco na campanha, então sei lá, talvez se jogasse com amigos eu teria me divertido

One Piece: Burning Blood is a very below-average arena fighter. The Haki and Logia dynamic is pretty interesting and the game looks quite alright. There is fun to be had, but the slow pace of the battles and very exploitable attacks make it feel rather sluggish.

I wish they would take this concept and add a lot of the refinements the CC2 arena fighters have, but, let's be real, that's probably never going to happen.

So, if you plan to try out this game, I recommend playing it while listening to a podcast or during any other dual screen activity, as it doesn't command much of your attention. That's what I did as well.

I love this world and these characters so a fighting game were they go head to head just makes sense to me

Liked the game. Wish it is longer. Maybe burning blood 2 until wano arc.

Presta só pra por de fundo nos videos

اعظم لعبة انمي نزلت في التاريخخخخخخخخخ

they should make paulie a dlc character that would be sweet

Si no se centrará exclusivamente en Marineford podría ser el mejor juego de lucha de un anime.

fun single player game. i don't know about multiplayer, seems cheesy.

One Piece is such a great series full of world building, interesting characters, and dynamic battles. None of which you'll find in Burning Blood. It makes me sad to see that this game fails at keeping combat fresh or even just telling the story of the paramount war right. Instead what we get is Ace dying 4 different times, White Beard dying 3 different times, and a wasted opportunity of a wonderful moment in One Piece. Why the campaign was told through character perspectives and not simply in order means there is a lot more backtracking and too many times that we see the same thing. The wonderful thing about the Marine Ford Arc was the chaotic nature to it, and the game just butchers the tone and fast pace that it had. The overall gameplay mechanics aren't intuitive or taught well either. I was really hoping for a Ninja Storm type game, but instead we get a lackluster campaign mixed with average fighting combat.

Gostei, mas enjoa rápido

É um jogo limitado em gameplay e história, então só funciona pra passar o tempo num dia e depois nunca mais abrir

Not the biggest arena fighter person but I somewhat enjoyed this game. Not much to really say if you are a one piece fan you probably have already played this game.

It's an alright arena fighter, but the fact it only takes place at Marineford really holds it back.

Mediocre arena fighter based on my favorite manga. Character models are nice though and the interactions at the start of battles are too. Would be nice if the story covered anything other than marineford.

O jogo tem uma grande variedade de personagens e ataques próprios pra cada um, mas a campanha acaba caindo muito na repetições, o fato de que você tem que fazer a mesma campanha por 4 visões diferentes, e elas serem praticamente IGUAIS, deixa muito massante.
Os comandos são muito esquisitos, e a lista de golpes não é nada intuitiva, fazendo com que em muitas lutas você perca tempo tentando aprender os ataques.
Infelizmente os personagens não são todos desbloqueados após zerar, você terá que farmar moedinha do jogo para comprá-los, e isso frustra bastante, já que mesmo terminando a campanha, você ainda não é livre pra jogar com quem quiser

this is the worst arena fighter ive ever played
It's so slow and some moves either do too little or too much damage
please make a good fighting game now please

Another fighting game that I had so much fun playing with friends

Burning Blood has got to have some of the most baffling combat choices i've ever seen in an arena fighter.....and yet I did not hate it....

unbalanced, no content, dead online system

Gameplay : 1.5/5 De bonnes idées mais aucune bien exploitée. Au bout de 3 combats on a déjà l'impression d'avoir vu tout ce que le jeu a à offrir (c'est le cas). Même pour un jeu de combat le gameplay est très pauvre.
Musique : 1.5/5 Bah sur les 2 heures que j'ai jouée, rien de marquant du tout, et les musiques de combats sont les mêmes. Bon bah je vais mettre un 1.5 un peu au pif évidemment puisque je n'ai pas tout entendu (ça peut être pire)
Histoire : 1.5/5 Ca suit la trame de base du manga, sauf que ça commence à Marineford... et surtout qu'on a 3 cases de manga puis une cinématique en moteur du jeu avant chaque combats. Sachant que rien que le premier niveau est étiré pour rien alors qu'il y a largement de quoi faire.
Graphismes : 3/5 Pour l'année de sortie c'est correct et assez détaillé, mais rien d'incroyable non plus.