Reviews from

in the past

i hate to be a negative person, especially for a smaller project like this. but i just did not care for it at all. for one, its painfully easy. its also incredibly short. i managed to beat it in an afternoon. its only got five bosses, two of which snagrets. in the first two areas, you fight four snagrets total. theres just, idk, im sorry, no variety or anything really. even in comparison to Pikmin 1, theres just nothing here. it’s enjoyable for some people im sure, and i know ill be the odd one out for this one. i really am sorry

With the removal of caves and the smart the rebalancing and remixing of overworld items and puzzles, the Caveless Edition transforms Pikmin 2 from a disappointing slog to a pretty decent, bite-sized follow up to the original. You can run through this thing in a single afternoon and I highly recommend it. It's everything good about Pikmin 2 without any of the overlong, poorly designed, overly combat-focused caves.

fun little remix. not as well-designed as pikmin 1 or 3 (obviously, the levels werent made for this) but its still satisfying and replayable

Now that's what I'm talking about. Nothing too big or special, but I'll gladly take it over the mess that is the vanilla Pikmin 2.