Reviews from

in the past

The four stars are for the X360 port, which fixes the stupid infinite lives bug. Completely bonkers, barely plays like a traditional shmup past stage 3. Giant toy robot bosses feel more like boxing matches. God tier obnoxious eurodance trash soundtrack somehow still isn't loud enough to drown out the porn moans from the playable characters when a bullet flies too close. Final boss yells BOMBA a few dozen times in a row and literally (as in, literally literally) fills the entire screen with bullets, and that's not even near the top half of hardest things in this game. Will cause a lifetime phobia of snakes with lasers, in case you didn't have one before.

Only that madman Shinobu Yagawa could have created something like this - it flopped extremely hard and along with Muchi Muchi Pork! (another weird, if slightly less demented game) it probably cost him his career, but I get the feeling that he simply saw the writing on the wall for the genre and decided to go out with a bang.

A Yagawa shmup on steroids on steroids. It has no time for your objections, no patience for your foolish questions. This is fucking Pink Sweets bro, get with the program.

The whole story of army girls taking down whatever evil is in front of her for almost no reason can be pretty summarized to being an almost 1 to 1 recreation of when Azealia Banks tweeted "Are you ready to die slavoj žižek?" for no reason at all.

How the hell this game's cover art manages to come across as hornier gooner bait than Muchi Muchi Pork! is beyond me.

Anyway, both games came bundled together on the Xbox 360, hence why I played them back-to-back. While an earlier title by only a year, this definitely feels rougher around the edges, and the lack of bombs or deployable special abilities makes later stages feel more annoying than they could be. I wouldn't have minded taking out 1 or 2 stages, either.

Probably for the more dedicated CAVE and danmaku enthusiasts... but once again, for the mildly excited as well.