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rain world wrain world world rain rain world ranw orld tain world lizard rain wolr drain world scavenger rain world rain world lizard

Rain world is definitely not for everyone, but it is absolutely a game for me. I love love love the music, environment art and most of all slugcat. I played this game 4 times back to back, hunter mode is the most fun

One of my favorite games of all time, and is probably the most unique game I've ever played.
Rain world puts you against a world full of dangerous predators, and unlike other games, gives you barely any ways to defend yourself other than your mind. You will miss your spear attacks, your attacks will bounce back, and getting out of a tough situation will take a lot more than simply killing whatever's on the screen.
The wildlife in this game is well.. wildlife. It's a real ecosystem where every creature fends for themselves. You aren't the only thing the enemies focus on, you're just a part of a bigger ecosystem. Enemies will attack each other, have territorial fights with their own species even, some will straight up ignore you and getting past a difficult area sometimes will require you to take advantage of the fact that these creatures behave like real actual animals with goals rather than mindless entities hellbent on killing you and you alone.
Rain world is all about experimenting and observation, seeing what works and what doesn't, what you can eat and what you can't eat, what moves can you pull off and what moves you can't; observing every creature's behavior carefully to come up with the best plan to get past them. Even getting past one single creature trying to hunt you down will feel like you just outsmarted an intelligent opponent, and will feel satisfying. A lot of people give up on this game immediately, and I completely understand why. It's unlike any other game, definitely not everyone's cup of tea, the controls can be extremely rough to get used to, and it can be very brutal, but going into it, you just need a separate mindset and recognize rain world is not just another platformer, another 2d action game, it's its own thing, and trying to play it like a lot of other games will result in too much frustration.
This game is a perfect representation of survival in nature. It's literally the most immersive game I have ever played, and although it beat me down senseless countless times, beating this game felt more satisfying, more accomplishing than beating any other game I have played. Surviving in Rain World is hell, but damn is it satisfying to conquer it.

I have no idea what am I doing, but the game's indirect influence upon of survival and natural, animalistic instinct has made me persevere to see where my character shall go to. Amazing atmosphere, unparalleled too.

The RNG, for me at least, keeps this out of real top top tier. Love this game to little tiny pieces but it DOES have some pretty glaring flaws.

It's kinda incredible just how uncompromising this is with what it wants to be, everything is contextualized and nothing is particularly convenient for the player. It all comes together perfectly to immerse the player into the mindset of the slugcat. It's stressful, beautiful and almost infinitely replayable to me. It may be flawed in a few aspects but i can't say it really has any strong detriments with how much it excels at most things and just how much it appeals to me personally. Also hunter mode has got to be one of the best hard modes in any game.

slugcat is cute i love them but this game is too hard for my baby brain

Consegue a todo momento te despertar certo senso de perigo

I simply cannot put my love for this game into words.

It's an absolute masterpiece and will, most likely, remain as my favorite game until the end of my time in this world.

One of the best spiritual experiences. Harrowing, true and fascinating in each of its aspects within a realistic ecosystem. Ready to make you question your own existence and beliefs as well as pay attention to the way we behave. I can't praise this game enough.

I think I accidentally got myself trapped in a really tough area after a series of extremely lucky and misguided pushes through hostile territory and have nowhere to go. I keep coming back to the game a few times a year and I'm just working up the nerve to delete the save file and start fresh. What I've played has been incredible though. :'(

This is the single most masochistic game I've ever played. This is a survival game where you suck at surviving, suck at fighting, and get punished every single time you fail which will be very often.
There's very interesting and cool things in this game between its setting and learning how to be a better slugcat, I just can't bring myself to play more of it. Not for the faint of heart.

No somos una criatura indefensa. Somos un depredador medio, capaz de usar herramientas, aprender, resolver problemas, hacer amigos y enemigos. Las pantallas fijas funcionan a ratos como laberintos plataformeros en los que hacer parkour y jugar al pilla pilla con caricaturescos monstruos, a ratos como pinturas románticas, con el pequeño animalito descentrado en la composición en contraste con una imponente arquitectura abandonada donde jeroglíficos y grafitis se confunden. Pantallas conectadas en un gran mundo de ecosistemas en diálogo, con nosotros y entre sí. Slugcat, cazador-recolector-explorador-aventurero y, finalmente, peregrino en busca de una salida a un ciclo claustrofóbico.

A game that knows how it feels to be hopeless and alone. A truly atmospheric, overwhelming, brutal experience that not everyone will enjoy, but rocked me to my core.

I don't know what I'm doing, and it still feels bad to do somehow...

When I play it it feels like there's something there others could enjoy but... not me.

i like the atmosphere and environments, even if sometimes I can't tell what pole is in the background or not. I don't particularly like the whole timed days, I'd rather just mess around with the unique ever changing eco-system of enemies. Seriously this is the best AI i've ever seen in a game.

I just dont think i got it, idk, it just never clicked and i got frustrated.

A diferencia de mi verga este animalillo esta al fondo de la cadena trófica y todo el mundo se lo quiere comer

rain world presents a planet so alive, brutal, and beautiful. its enormous collection of tunnels, hills, and metal structures are designed in a way makes the player feel like the world was not made for them, that it is a real place they're passing through. the setting is inhabited by some of the strangest creatures i've ever seen, which behave fittingly strangely. the adventure starts as a battle for survival, but halfway through, the slugcat's reason for continuing on changes, as both it and the player gains awareness. a truly beautiful video game, and i do not know if there will be many more like it. i recommend you seek out the piece on rain world, buddhism, and transcendentalism out there. it may sound strange to players just starting, but this game has a lot to say about buddhism. yeah, rain world. i love it.

This game is fun and interesting but it is one of the hardest games I've ever played and that is saying something

There's a good game at its core, but its held back by far too much tedium and RNG to make it a satisfying experience. I've sunk 7 hours into this game, fully explored 3 areas and partially explored 2 more, and in all that time nothing of significance has happened. At this point, I just don't see a compelling reason to continue any further.

While I admire the game for not holding the player's hand, that approach only works when there is some other guiding force that can act as a replacement. But Rain World really doesn't give you that. Some things you can learn through trial and error. Others require a bit of luck before the lessons finally click into place. But crucial information about the game's core mechanics and direction are totally unexplained.

Without any progress in my 7 hours of playtime, I have to wonder. Did I just get really unlucky and do all the exploration out of the intended order? Was there something I missed early on that stopped all subsequent advances? Is my path the intended one and nothing is supposed to happen at that point yet? Put simply, I have no idea because the game doesn't give me enough guidance to even figure out what I ought to be doing.

I wanted to love Rain World but, the more time I've spent with it, the more it seems this is a game that doesn't want to be loved.

One of the most beautiful environment simulators I've ever seen, with luscious locations and creatures that all interact with each other.

It's a real shame you actually have to PLAY it though.

I tried, I really did, but the butter-stuck-in-the-buttons controls mixed with random generation that makes creatures act like Garry's Mod rag-dolls and the punishing difficulty filled to the brim with trial-and-error made this more stressful than fun, not even stressful in a fun way either.

how early is too early for me to call my shot on the quality of something? i'm not asking this to be facetious, i'm genuinely curious. the reason i ask is that i highly doubt the quality of rain world will falter from my current point in the game. i'm only about say, 3 or 4 hours in? and it's already one of the most impressive games i've played in my life. every frame has been filled with such grace and beauty, while every interaction with the world and it's ecosystem has been lung-crushingly tense at best and downright terrifying at worst. it's chewed me up and spit me out over and over again, but i keep coming back to push through the brutal struggle. if that's not a sign of a special game, i don't know what is.

after i finish the game i may make a vein attempt to write something more formal about it, and by extension probably remove this journal entry to clean up my page a little. for the time being i can only speak for my experience through the first few levels, but if this section is indicative of the quality of the game as a whole, I suspect i'll comfortably be able to call this a masterpiece.

one of the most beautiful and unique games ever made.
play it if you love getting mauled to death

Started playing it again after shelving it for a few months. After powering throught some bullshit areas i got to the good stuff and remembered what i loved about this game. Backtracking still annoying as fuck but it's all my fault so eh.

crushing. the combat is savage, brutal, the environment is vast, uncompromising, and the mechanics are vague, punishing.

rain world gives you the experience of being a small, powerless creature, clinging desperately to life. so when you do manage to persevere, and battle on to the next area, or when you combine the skill, timing and luck necessary to fell a powerful creature, it is infinitely more rewarding.

playing Rain World for the first time on Survivor difficulty, 15 hours in: yeah, i think this could stand to be more miserable.... i SHOULD do a Hunter playthrough

that shit goes hard but i dont really got the time to invest in it rn, really cool survival game though and gets intense every try