Reviews from

in the past

The girl on the cover doesn't show up until the sixth game, which game out over a decade later. Anyway, the game isn't very good for gameplay, but the story is humorous and introduces some of the most important characters.

That's it. This is the one. My Spanish review is up here:
If I translate it, I'll probably erase this log. If not, just an edit. Hope you like it!

bro my fucking hard drive is such a pos. loves to eject whenever it pleases. i played the game until it crashed. oh well it probably was bad anyways.

Most of what I've said in Rance I's review ( is pretty much applicable to this one. However, it certainly does improve a little bit over its predecessor, and just feels like it has more substance when playing.

Boring battles, now with partners!
The battle system largely remains the same, but now you have an actual party! What did you say? You want to control the other characters? Ahahahaha, nope, this game won't let you, the others will do whatever they please (Persona 3 flashbacks ensue), though it's honestly not that big of a deal for most of the game.

I only really had trouble with that at the final boss, due to barely having any healing items left, and Sill just constantly healing Rance, even if she was a hit away from death (for context, if any character dies, it's over).

What is actually annoying is that the strategy of just spamming your way through is the exact same since you have the same amount of control as Rance I, but now there's also somebody else to back you up. Therefore, for the most part it's just spamming attacks, then healing occasionally.

So, in other words, it's as shallow as ever, but at least it kinda felt more fun, I guess? Twice the people, twice the fun, or something like that.

As parodical as ever
The humour from Rance I returns, as expected, but I wouldn't lie if I said a couple of jokes caught me off-guard and made me laugh more than I expected. Tone-wise, yeah, it's still goofy as hell, with some 4th wall-breaking jokes, and other wacky gags, don't really expect anything else or you'll come out disappointed. Of course, sexual jokes are also quite abundant; this is Rance, so who am I to be surprised.

When it comes to its odd and yet-to-be explored amalgamation that is its setting, it still doesn't really go anywhere, much to my disappointment. However, it felt to me that the story is less tacked on and less of an excuse when compared to I. Hell, there's even a few scenes that actually felt serious and seem to delve a bit deeper into the characters, which is something I'll gladly take over whatever Rance I was doing when it got "serious".

Proper guidance? They still don't know what that is
Definitely use a guide for this game too. It's as obnoxious and confusing as the first game, and sometimes seems to heavily rely in having some insane sixth sense to guess stuff, or setting in the boredom by just not knowing what to do. Maybe this gets somewhat fixed in the remaster, but I wouldn't know.

General thoughts
I don't know if I'm missing anything important, but that's pretty much it. Overall, it's nothing mindblowing, but it is, even if barely, a passable experience, and it once again has its moments (they're arguably a bit more frequent than in the first game). At least I had a bit more fun playing this than Rance I, so that's enough for me.

I just hope Rance III finally delivers a bit more on the characters and world, because I can see the potential it harbours. For that, they just have to free the series of the shackles of being limited to just a mere parody of RPGs.

Will they? I don't know, but I sure hope so.

P.S. I should stop making reviews this long, for Rance of all series, I swear.

overall has a better fighting system and mechanics compared to the previous, but it still has its flaws. it gets annoying how long boss battles can be sometimes and it would be a little better if you could choose how your other party members attacked (though i have a feeling they fix this in future games).

the plot takes itself a little more serious in this game, which i appreciate.
also probably the only game where you have a 41-some

É bem melhor que o primeiro jogo mas isso não é mérito nenhum.

(6.5) uma melhora MUITO grande em relação ao anterior. Principalmente em narrativa e combate, que são bem legais.

one of the games of all time

I don't laugh at games much, but our titular hero responding to a distressed woman's pleas to get rid of a compromising photo taken of her with an immediate and flat "no." got me.

This game is better than the first game but it's still a very simple archaic turned based RPG. but since this game is a product of it's time, I played this game with the time it was made in mind and it's a enjoyable comedic game. It took me around 8 hours with a guide. I'm actually looking forward to playing Rance 3 and see how the developers improve the game with each sequels.

The Dragon Quest 2 of Rance games.

It's more ambitious than the first game but that ambition leads to the game being extremely tedious.

The more involved plot and characters kinda makes me get some of the charm of the series (even if it's still fucked up), but God Damn is the gameplay dogshit for even a primordial dungeon crawler (FF 1-2 + DQ 1-3 had come out by this point).