Reviews from

in the past

Great time killer and not much else

probably gave someone a findom fetish

Played the "Exalted" version if it makes a difference and for an hour or so but I felt like it was long enough to tell what this game was about.

To be honest, this game is free and that is it's saving grace. Combat and everything else is simple enough to understand but the controls are awful.

Q + E to change the direction you are facing. WASD to move and no button to return to north etc. The tutorial makes the game seem like a dungeon crawler-esque title whilst the actual game just throws you into a open world to do quests and other things.

I don't really think i'm stupid, but I just had no idea what was going on in this game. Why am I killing pirates for a quest, some random creatures because it told me so and god knows what else. None of it flowed or came with explanations.

I can see how someone would get sucked into a f2p micro transaction type game like this but it was just awful. It's like it's designed to get rid of all of the non-whales immediately so the developers can just focus on the people who are willing to grind/pay their life away.

Stars are for the premise alone and what could of been a weird top down shooter game showing potential. Everything else about this game is just rubbish.

Fun rouge like MMO. It has TF2 skins you can buy.

IDK i played this for 8 minutes 10 years ago, what do you want me to say. It left 0 impact on my life

i fucking hate the mechanics

I have a friend who played it for over 1000 hours. It's somewhat fun, but I'd rather play another MMORPG like WoW or ESO.

I have an absurd amount of time in this game. been playing it all the way back since wild shadow owned the game. its a cool game to come back to off and on but only when I am looking to kill time

The game actually has quite a bit of substance to it nowadays, and it really seems to be heading in the right direction thanks to the new guidance of DECA as opposed to Kabam. Reworks to classes like Sorc and Assassin were necessary, and made the two classes so much more fun to play. Still, the core gameplay loop can get exhausting over time, so play in moderation; 1 or 2 hours at the most per day.

heureusement que c'est gratuit

Been playing this game for 10+ years, with some pretty large gaps of play in between. It's very enjoyable, but can be repetitive. I always find that the game has relevant real-world symbolism.

A game that has a troubled history and had a meta that relied on discord servers. Would not recommend unless they add a major change/update

2011-2013 was the peak of this game, and only started its downhill trend once wildshadow was no longer in charge. Kabam owning the game was the beginning of the downfall, and despite being my most played game i found myself spending less and less time on it. By the time DECA took over the game was at an all time low, and having tried it on and off it just isnt the same and most likely never will be. Not worth wasting your time on this one, as the monetization is predatory and the gameplay loop is abysmal.

When I was a kid I used to rush home from school just to play this game until I was tired of it. Great game.

the game went downhill once i got employed

I so often have the urge to play this, then stop after 2 hours. That's just how it is. realm of the mad god. Silly little game.

Meus amigos são viciados nesse jogo e eu não tenho paciência para jogar mais do que 1 hora e meia disto aqui

I've been playing this game for over a decade and I'm probably going to keep playing it for as long as it's in service. It's not a great MMO game though when compared to others, it's just the one I got into.

Ah man, I'm so glad this is the MMORPG I mindlessly sank countless hours into. I first played the game eleven years ago, even before pets were released. Back in the day, the game really grabbed you from the start because it was hard AND it likewise was hard even for "seasoned" played, if you could call them that because because the game was still fairly new.

I used to play this with my middle and high school best friend, we basically spent whole afternoons playing either TF2 or this over Skype, Minecraft a bit later on too, in and those kinda server. Coming back to RotMG, playing it with a friend was so cool and still kinda is, and I have the fondest memories of it.

Nowadays, sadly, the game doesn't cater to new players at all, because the skill ceiling is way higher and, given this is a fast-paced bullet hell MMO, people instantly kill most dungeons in the game without a sweat. It is also plagued by a very predatory P2W system, even by MMO standards (this is the only one I have played for a substantial amount of time), specially in what comes to item storage and having different characters.

This game used to be so good and enjoyable, and for better or worse it still is for me, but I very much doubt you'd enjoy it if you were to get into it now.

gotten better over the years, DECA doing a good job (i think) trying to make things more relevant, but it does feel like difficulty is not scaling with reward sometimes. also this game sucks if you dont buy a buncha shit with real money (ie. bank slots and character slots)

Silly little game, not much substance to it but plenty of replayability

mmo chaos of an apocalyptic scale blasting into my eyeballs via flavorless functional graphics. i recommend keeping it on your drive to boot it up for an hour every now and then.

genuinely a fantastic wee game!

i remember spending 600 dollars on this game when I was younger... whoops :P

I think I understand what brain damage feels like.

A very fun and addicting twist on the usual perma death formula!

I wish I had spent a looooot less time on this game...

yeah microtransactions are all over the place now and getting to a point where you can consistently do the fun stuff in the game takes far too long for a casual player
but the end game dungeons and "raids" are incredibly fun mechanically and thematically
the lore is really interesting and getting good drops feels hella good
but everyone will have a different quitting point whether that's from getting your first lvl 20 or getting max exalts