Reviews from

in the past

This is currently my least favorite Catalog game, but there's still stuff to like here. The music is good, the character art is charming, and the overall narrative concept of stealing treasures from billionaires is cute. I like the heist theme, I just wish it felt more like a heist game. The gameplay is essentially a timing-based vertical platformer: you control the vertical position of the thief with the crank and horizontal movement is automatic but the direction can be toggled. There isn't any tension, as security cameras and lasers only fill up a meter that can knock you off the hook if you stay in their line-of-sight long enough. Obstacles become no threat just by cranking through them at a mildly quick pace. Collecting all three medals on each level would be a little more of a challenge, but the movement is too loose for it to feel satisfying (plus there isn't a chapter select so replays aren't easy). Beating the game lets you play the campaign again as new characters, but the core mechanics remain the same and the levels only get a little bit more challenging.

Overall, the game is worth trying for the low price of free, and it doesn't take very long to beat. Maybe you'll enjoy it the mechanics more than I did!

Cute concept with not the best execution. I like the idea of using the crank as a fishing hook to get a thief all the way to some sort of treasure, but I wasn't on board with how horizontal movement was automatic versus just using the directional pad. It's also a bit odd how you're ranked for each level, but are unable to replay levels without restarting the game. The game is charming, but mostly boring to play.

Super not for me, it's charming enough, plot is a bit obnoxious but I'm sure a lot of people will vibe with it.

Reel Steal is a vertical progressing, height-based platformer where you control your thief character as you smash and grab loot from rich moguls and magnates to get back at them. You start from the top of the level - the building you’ve infiltrated - and by using the crank you control your descent, and once you’ve grabbed the loot, your ascent too. The one kink in the design for me is the perpetual horizontal strafing your character is forced to do at all times. The idea is for you to wait until your character is lined up just right to continue your descent into the level, or if you’re an impatient person, to use the face button to manually change your direction of movement at any time.

At no point are you given the ability to be completely still. Even when you are changing your movement direction you are always in motion. While this adds some intended challenge, the ergonomics of the handheld makes for an uncomfortable hand position if you want to use the crank and have constant access to the face button at the same time, at least for me. This usually meant unless I was feeling particularly impatient, I just waited for my character to loop around the right direction. The time loss was negligible for a game like this, but even still, with all things being equal I think forgoing the forced horizontal movement altogether would be a more satisfying choice. To compensate they could just elaborate on the trap and level design.

The levels themselves I found as endearing as the characters. Short bursts of simple platforming that wouldn’t be out of place on the homepage of, if anyone remembers that oasis that every middle schooler lauded. The campaigns are thematic, with repeated replays encouraged with small tweaks and new character abilities. I did it only twice, but I can see myself returning at some point. My favorite little detail though has got to be the option to leave a customizable calling card at the end of every level. It’s like a cursed etch-a-sketch that challenges your creativity and dare I say artistic capabilities. I love little bursts of character and flavor like that. As small as an aspect as that is, it’s the kind of thing that sticks with you when you think of the game.

Another thing that sticks with me is the perplexingly low ratings from other users. Beside the one issue I find with the control scheme, Reel Steal runs and plays like a charm. I’m a subscriber to the different strokes for different folks mentality, but I don’t want it left unsaid that this game isn’t earnest in what it’s trying to do. Given that it’s one of the handful of free games for the Playdate, there’s really no reason to not give it a chance.

Bizarrely clunky controls for such a simple premise.

Um conceito bem legal, mas executado de uma forma bem estranha. Usar a manivelinha para controlar o gancho é bem legal, mas o movimento horizontal ser automático - quando minha outra mão está exatamente no direcional digital - não faz nenhum sentido.

Eu tava esperando uma ideia meio Wario Land quando conseguisse chegar no objetivo da fase, de ter que sair correndo pra não ser pego, mas também não rolou. Mesmo assim, foi legal de jogar, se um dia tentarem fazer um Reel Steal 2, eu acho que vou atrás.

It's charming but just not very fun to play. In concept it's really cool but there's just not much mechanically there. Tying reversing your movement to a button instead of the d pad while expecting you to use the crank is a baffling choice. Visuals are good but the writing feels pandering and insincere. Can't complain too much considering it's free, but I'd just rather play Recommendation Dog again than touch this.

would've been an easy 3/5 if not for the awful performance and tons of bugs present throughout the game. lots of content, some decently interesting levels and a great use of the crank make this recommendable, but goddamn you can really tell that the people that programmed this were amateurs. another good game for people who won't shut the fuck up about how much they hate capitalism.