Reviews from

in the past

Fun little demo, damn impressive how identical the gameplay feels despite the graphics being crunched to shit, tho I don't see the point of it so I get why it was not picked up. Funny RE was attempted to be ported to a Game Boy console and rejected twice lol...maybe more that hasn't surfaced yet who knows

Com certeza é muito impressionante o quão bem esse jogo funciona e o quanto ele se aproxima do original. Mas tentar abrir as portas é realmente uma tortura...

[GBA Proof of concept Demo] Leon runs like he weighs 80 more pounds than normal and he has a beer gut. And when he turns he looks like he's taking a jolly stroll. There's about 30 seconds of game here. Just enough for Capcom to take one look at it and say, "No thank you, but best of luck in your future endeavors."