Reviews from

in the past

First time i ever played this at a friends house it ROCKED me. I had never played a "realistic" shooter before and I had never even considered it. Changed me as a person

i've played an hour and a half and it was a wildly good time. god only knows why i haven't played more

Absolutely the best experience you could have with a somewhat realistic combat and arcade-y mechanics, to think that this is the best WW2 shooter is probably an understatement. Those little experiences are what makes this game alive and full of soul and memories.

The peak of ww2 multiplayer shooters, hell let loose wish it was 1% of Rising Storm.

El mejor shooter de la WW2 que hay ahora mismo, con la posible excepción de Post Scriptum.

I was demonstrably horrible at this game and it sucks cuz i liked it

Как же тут орут солдаты от ранения, это просто нечто. А так, для меня, самый уникальный сетевой шутер, который возбуждает нереальный азарт, но ты платишь за это постоянной фрустрацией

among the s tier of ww2 shooters and multiplayer fps in general, but runs like dogshit.