Reviews from

in the past

The only thing "Definitive" about this is that it definitively still sucks major ass

I played this out of desperation for RWBY content because who knows if we'll ever get more episodes. I'm not generally into this genre of game to begin with, and it was a pretty bare bones experience. I like some of the little references to the show, but that doesn't really save it from being a tedious cycle of fighting the same enemies over and over to inch towards the next levelup and underwhelming upgrade. If I didn't have a friend to play with, I would have been too frustrated with how easy it was to die early on and dropped it. Also, the story is technically there but I almost forgot to mention it in this review so that should tell you how memorable it was.

[Ref Played 2023] Wouldn't recommend to anybody even huge RWBY fans
It has tons of potential to be a great game however its many huge flaws drag it down
The plot is irrelevant to the series as a whole
Gameplay is inconsistent/ unbalanced, for a hack and slash ranged weapons are op, the main game is easy the whole time up until the final boss with is completely broken
Background art is poor at best, character models are great but it looks like they're in a roblox game
Load times are painfully slow
Multiplayer is non functional (camera is locked to one player, no splitscreen or similar option)