Young adult gamer, primarily plays games released on Nintendo Systems but regularly branches out to Sony, PC and beyond.
Primarily plays JRPGs with my favourite series being Xeno and Persona
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Played 100+ games


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Found the secret ogre page

GOTY '23

Participated in the 2023 Game of the Year Event

Favorite Games

The World Ends with You
The World Ends with You
Nier: Automata - The End of Yorha Edition
Nier: Automata - The End of Yorha Edition
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 5 Royal
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra


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Played in 2024


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The plot's been pretty great so far and the gameplay is solid, it's easily the best visual novel I've ever played. The experience could be improved by voice acting or more control settings such text speed up or the option for hints

As far as console tech demo/ controller guide etcetera games go this is flawless, however it is still just a tech/ controls demo at the end of the day

Recommended by a friend, I shall make sure to listen to that friend's suggestions more often now.
Possibly my favourite 3DS game, great SMT gameplay crossed with a NieR-esque Nietzschean plot makes for a great game, however a lot of tiny complaints build up to gatekeep it from a 10/10: why is Neutral Ending so conveluted, why are there only two save slots, why is there no N3DS C Stick support, why does the map lack labels or direction markers