Reviews from

in the past

Definitely a weird entry compared to the rest of the series, starting off with the fact this game initially released on the Wii of all consoles exclusively making this one of the first mainline musous on a Nintendo if not the first one completely. It tries to change things up that I'm not that fond of but it's not as bad as something like Dynasty Warriors 6 in terms of trying to reinvent the wheel.

The story mode for this one is essentially the same except no dream stages which kinda sucks but I never cared that much about them. The new characters are alright but nothing that much to write home about other than Hojo which is pretty cool. The standard free mode is here but a very cool mode is Murasame Castle which was based on The Mysterious Murasame Castle game from Nintendo. You legit play as Takamaru and this mode is actually pretty fun in itself.

The gameplay suffers greatly from being on the Wii due to the erratic framerate which makes the gameplay feel more sluggish than it had to be. The new spirit gauge mechanic is kinda nice and the new ultimate musou attacks are nice too. Getting weapons work like in Dynasty Warriors 6 of all things but at least each character is still unique too. Also a weird change is having items as a loadout thing since you can't really grab items from enemies anymore too which I thought was kinda weird.

I don't know if it's because I played a lot of musou games in a short time span but I feel for Samurai Warriors that the soundtracks really blend together with how similar they kinda sound. It does a decent job but I can't think of many standouts here. The game graphically doesn't look much different from the PS2 titles and really should've launched in the PS3 in the west (and it actually got a PS3 version in Japan which is apparently much better but not localized sadly).

After the heights of the last game, it feels kinda weird to drop off back to the realm of the first title in scope. The modes are cool but this is full of jarring decisions that kinda hampered the series a bit.

Maybe I just got unlucky or maybe it was the mood but this game just felt so shit. It was super slow and the visuals weren't all that.

Murasame Castle was actually fun and challenging. Story mode per character is also the best choice. I did have fun with this entry

Really disappointed. I am sure Koei knew that because the japanese exclusive version that came out the following year fixes so much of SW 3's issues

While I appreciate the new characters, the new battles and that banger of a soundtrack, everything else is a major downgrade from the previous game, especially the allied AI. Jesus, what the hell did they do to my army? Even though I do all the missions in order to keep morale high, these dumb motherfuckers still keep falling like a stack of dominos for no reason at all. Was it so hard to just copy SW2's morale system and paste into this one? Holy shit, guys.

single handedly killed sw's popularity. thanks koei.

I got through around 3 campaigns before learning that there are just better ways to play this exact same story. I feel like I'd be here for a while if I tried to do every character's story in this one and I wasn't really having fun with it so I guess I'll stop here. I don't think I was bothered by the gameplay itself, but I did notice how quickly the AI would just die. You can barely get to any of the objectives on even normal difficulty without your entire army falling apart. So far Samurai Warriors 2 has ironically felt much more balanced and I'm assuming the newer titles are as well. Was also surprised to see that an xtreme legends for this one did not even release in the west, which I imagine has something to do with it being a major step backwards.