Reviews from

in the past

Introduced my favourite Senran Girl Ryouna so I appreciate it alot.
I've finished it on both Vita and PC. Good fun game. Better with an uncensor mod

It's schlock.
Though, there was fun to be had with abusing the unstable combat mechanics and 100%ing the game.
Though gacha is annoying, and without knowing how to cancel moves the gameplay can be tedious. [However, the gameplay is a mile ahead of Estival Versus because of these cancels.]
Surprisingly decent plot as well. Murasaki best girl she needs a huge hug and some meds.

"And thus they prove that in this moment, they are alive."
idk what the fuck's that line doing in a game like this but #godfuckingdamnit it was good man

Defo came around it to some degree.
I think expanding the general cast (Senran Kagura's strongest part somehow) was a good idea on paper.
The problem is that the new characters are more wonky.
Katsuragi was the only outlier beforehand because they turned her into a fetishy lesbian and pervert, but still had good character trails (and she gets more development here).
But in this game, out of the 10 new characters, 4 don't land: Shiki, who is just, a rich girl entitled to whatever she wants, Minori who acts like a toddler and doesn't get development, Ryobi who could've been good, but is sadly tied to the final one, Ryona, who is just, a big masochism fetish in the worst way possible, and drags down Ryobi's character because they interact so much, and on this game, both barely feel that different in development.
Now the other 6 are good and great (Yumi's my 3° favorite character of the franchise), so overall its more winners and losers.
The gameplay change to more 3D didn't help much, as its still kinda repetitive, and having 20 characters leads to issues with feeling the actual variety, as you spend so little with each unless you go tackle the side stories, which are a nice distraction, but don't give anything meaningful.
Overall, its OK, it doesn't expand much, and when it does, it has mixed reception, but it still manages do to plenty of good, so can't really hate it, and I'd say its worth experiencing if you liked any of the other games.

Senran Kagura is one of those series I don't acknowledge ever because when I say I enjoy the musou entries, I will either be called a degenerate or be told I'm "Based" by a person on Twitter who watches TheQuartering and probably smells like cheese. But I truly do enjoy this series and Senran Kagura: Shinovi Versus is a pretty good game.

I played it on Vita since I have a homebrewed one and it definitely works best as a portable game. Being able to pick up and put it down every single time you get a chance makes the game take absurdly long to finish but means you'll always have a mindless button masher to play when you need something to fidget with when you're just waiting at a doctors office. I haven't beat the game (Or truthfully made it past chapter 3) but that's okay.

The characters and their play styles are also really cool. I like a lot of their designs, both in terms of their outfits and how big their knockers are (I'm never beating the gooner allegations). Ikaruga, Yagyū, and Mirai are in the game and definitely stood out the most when I played through Senran Kagura: Estival Versus last November (Which I hold a lot of media I enjoyed from around that month near and dear to me). Though, I did realize when playing this game there is more to it than button mashing which makes my preferred characters in terms of play style Asuka and Katsuragi.

Sadly the story is more shallow than a doujin (Something I guarantee was intentional) and is missing the wholesome conversations between two love birds that make me enjoy anime like Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid and Uzaki-chan Wants To Hang Out (I'm never beating the gooner allegations). But honestly, that's okay given you're either playing because you like hack and slashes like me or to download nude mods then wonder why the girl on Discord ghosted you.

Overall, solid game and while not as good as Estival Versus, it is still worth checking out if you like musou games.

Rating: B
Genre(s): Hack and slash, musou, visual novel