Reviews from

in the past

this is incomprehensible and i can't tell if it's trying to take my money or not.

got this game because of yoko taro it came out today i'll play it some it's free

1/22/2021: changing this to a one star review because of the ad to "redownload this game" I get every time I go on youtube on my phone that shows a picture of three anime girls with pig noses saying "FEED ME, WE'RE HUNGRY".

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Oh, SINoALICE. You're easily one of my favorite gacha games to date; the characters you've brought to life are easily some of the most interesting characters I've witnessed the stories of in a while, and there's definitely that Yoko Taro flavor to all of their stories and every bit of juicy lore that the game gives you.

I still play this game, but I do admit, the game is grindy as HELL; it heavily incentivizes the PVP aspect of the game by locking some of the best weapons (and several other helpful things) behind Gran Colo. Not to mention that the optimal guild set-up is 10 supports and 5 DPS, when DPS is A) the easiest thing to build in the game, and B) trying to be a support that ISN'T a healer is suffering incarnate.

Truth be told, I'm being a little too generous with the rating, but I really, REALLY love this game a lot. I don't have a lot of gripes with the characters (except for the titular Alice, who is boring as sin and entirely too wishy-washy to exist in a Yoko Taro universe), and in fact, I love most all of them. They all encompass their aspect extremely well, to the point of self destruction, which is the PERFECT thing for a Yoko Taro game.

Basically: I'm here for the long haul on Yoko Taro's Wild Ride. Can't wait for the reality arc!

As much as I love Yoko Taro's work, this doesn't do it for me. The story (as far as I got through it) was decent and I'd like to see where it goes, but the gameplay (which you have to sit through a lot of) is so aggressively unappealing that it makes it hard to want to continue.

It feels like they made a whole game out of just the weapon stories Taro normally writes for his other games. It's also repetitive

I loved my Guild and Character designs, not much else.

The art style is nice, but the game itself is terribly boring, and couldn't hold my interest for long at all.

I really love this game's art style and overall storytelling. The idea of taking characters from fairytales and giving them all the goal of meeting their author to change some aspect of their story (or in Cinderella's case, to just kill him), but with a dark thematic twist on all the characters is genuinely incredibly interesting. I love stuff that takes mythology, fairytales, or lore and spices them up with a unique and interesting lens, so this game is basically right up my alley.

Unfortunately, it's a mobile game, and that tells you everything you need to know about it. It's grindy and repetitive, the fun story is told exclusively through text on either a black screen or a png of the character of that story, and having other players come in and one-shot every enemy you fight makes it feel like you're not even doing anything. I played this game for about two or so months straight, but after that, I just gave up. When I got a new phone I didn't bother transferring my data.

Overall, a really neat idea held back by it's medium. If this were a console or PC game, I could see myself getting really into it, but as a phone game, it leaves me mostly frustrated, Hopefully the manga will help satisfy my interest in this game's world.

Actually fun lil mobile game then again I'm a massive fan of dark fantasy and Yoko Taro

queria que o jogo não fosse tão entediante pra eu poder fazer cosplay

i genuinely can't recommend this game to anyone, because it's just fine i guess but it's not necessarily a good game despite the fact i put hours into it a day. the music's fantastic, but it's impossible to be good in colo if you start this game Right Now unless if you drop way too much money, and as someone who doesn't spend too much money but started at the beginning it's rough but manageable. the only part of the game that keeps me coming back is the pvp is really fun, especially if you have a good guild. but you cant really join that this late so i can't recommend this game even though i think its fine

There's definitely some Yoko Taro here, in the dark but comedic tone and the questions around the relation between author and creation, but that's not enough to push me through overwhelming piled up systems and the oh so tired idea of the twisted dark and grim version of fairy tales we usually associate with purity.

bruh what the fuck is this

Repetitive, no content, boring as hell.

I'm conflicted on what I should rate this since I played it for a day like two years ago and absolutely hated it but at the same time fucking over whales is the most Yoko Taro move anyone could ever make

The NieR man got me to like Pinocchio