Reviews from

in the past

I bought this for a friend as a gift I spent ages setting up a test play of it and honestly couldn’t figure out how to get the game to work. Like it just felt like I pressed random buttons and noises were made I just didn’t know what to do.

I gave it to them anyway.
I don’t know if the copy works cus I doubt they play it.

this made me feel so empty inside i dont think i can smile or feel anything ever again.

"Interactive Music Experience" is a very good way to describe this thing, because it's not a game, I'm just not sure what exactly it is. As a Spice Girls fan, it was sorta neat seeing them in a game*, but I still have no clue what the hell I experienced

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This game based a terrible movie, makes it look good by comparison, and here is how. The Idea of the game is that you can make your own tracks, which isn't a bad idea for helping people make their own songs, like Wii Music but better, well it actually ended up being way worse. The Graphics are so awfully block like designed they are scary. The Gameplay has you create your own tracks made up of dance moves and parts of spice girl songs, this is pointless and a bad idea for a game, especially now that we have YTP's on YouTube, that's all this game is you jump on different tiles to enter a different song's verse, and press buttons to make into a dance to play during certain moments of the cover, where the dances are terrible no matter what they are, thanks to the garbage graphics makes this system not work no matter how much stuff you could possibly ignore, unless you want to make the worst YTP's ever. The Music is bland and feels like they forced a DJ to make it, and they didn't care that the DJ made it bad on purpose to attempt to spite them. Spice world's idea ruins even the lowest standards for any idea for a game, and make it still fail through every single way.

Those weren't spice girls! Hell, they aren't even spice human!