Reviews from

in the past

Not the worst thing of the world, but still weak.

I was 8 years old and it had spiderman. I loved it

Boring monotonous beat-em-up I don't know what I expected from a kids game, by the end I got so bored I muted the game and start playing Metallica and Black Sabbath in the background, it kinda helped.

Mysterio is the most reddit villain of all time.

Nintendo DS:
Screw whoever designed the Black Cat level. One hostage per room until you get to the last room which has 2 all of a sudden and its easy to miss cause all the rooms are the same.

This stumped me for years as a kid.

I feel an obsessive compulsion to play every Spider-Man game. The concept, box art, and greatest hits banner really caught my attention. Once you've played about 5 minutes of the game you feel like you've seen it all already. Sure there are upgrades to be unlocked, but you default to one or two of Spidey's moves and you spam them the entire game. It's sort of fun to be able to play as Doc Ock and Scorpion until you realize all of Spidey's moves are much better. I spent maybe 30 seconds with every villain until switching back to Spidey. The levels are completely bland and uninspired. It's a simple beat em up with linear levels and no puzzles. Rinse and repeat until it's over. The team up super move is so lazy that it's laughable. The worst part of this game is that it's just incredibly boring and I couldn't wait for it to be over. The most interesting part of this is that it's technically a movie tie-in so it's supposed to be the same Green Goblin, Doc Ock, and Spider-Man from the Raimi films. It's interesting that they released two Spider-Man movie games in 2007. Movies don't even get the one video game any more.

James Arnold Taylor is fine as the voice of Spider-Man except he sounds nothing different than Ratchet in this. 12 year olds won't notice but I did damn it. If you're reading this in 2020 skip this game. There are so many better Spider-Man options for all ages.

I want to like this more but game tries it's very best to be do the opposite.
Plus enemies take forever to die.

Parece um Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks só que ruim.

eu joguei isso com a minha mãe

Não lembro muito do jogo além da gameplay que era bem divertida, ainda mais pelos personagens dos filmes

i lost a match of battle mode and now have to rate this game a 10.

Fun avec un énorme cast jouable !
J’ai eu une belle enfance.

sometimes this game just doesn't launch lol

This game taught me a valuable life lesson.

And that’s to never judge a book by its cover.

Because that book still has a very good chance of disappointing you.

Also fuck Activision.

One of my favorite beat em ups ever. The story is nonsense of course but the roster of playable characters as well as variance in the environments are great. Every character feels different and unique from each other.

Worth noting the Nintendo DS version is awful, just a way more watered down version with a really annoying lock picking minigame?

playing this game made me realize i needed to stop buying games just because a comic book character i liked was in the title.

Spider-Man: Based or Cringe Edition

Um jogo muito divertido, eu achava bem legal jogar com os vilões do Aranha.

So fun with my brother but i am never going to play it again

Puf. Facilísimo, corto, y repetitivo. Pero bueno, al menos puedes manejar a los villanos de las pelis de Raimi, y para pasar el rato está bien.

This game is pretty much the same from beginning to end, play the first few levels and you've seen it all. Even more egregious than this, is the sheer lack of feeling of progress, there is little to no advancing difficulty, and you can essentially beat the entire game with two buttons and an analogue stick.

It's the most basic of beat-em-ups with a Spider-Man skin on it to trick people until thinking it'll be a good game. In addition to this, the game doesn't really give you any reason to continue playing, the storyline isn't very intriguing, the gameplay does not engage you in any way, and any secrets that the game wants you to find are almost entirely pointless. Every now and then you'll come across a secret room, and inside is more of the same enemies you've been beating on for hours, but if you clear the room, you can return to it in versus mode. This is frankly pointless. Particularly for those who are playing in single player, the extra content provides absolutely no new experiences, and it doesn't even give you any perks to help you advance through the game - not that any are needed, because it is simply that mindless.

Perhaps this would be more fun with a co-op partner to play it with, but I can't imagine how that would save the game as a whole. You're more likely to just have two people playing a boring game, both of whom would quickly decide to play something more exciting!

A ideia do jogo é muito foda e lembra jogos lego, os inimigos do miranha se juntam a ele a cada fase completada, permitindo que o jogador jogue com os vilões em fases da campanha, além de ter um modo de batalha versus pra jogar contra amigos ou cpus usando heróis ou vilões. E por que diabos o nick fury é branco nesse jogo?

Obra de arte magnífica que vai receber 5 estrelas, não consegui finalizar a tempo antes do meu ps2 estragar

This was a fun little beat-em-up game. Pretty hilarious animations too.

This game was fun as a kid. Mysterio being the final boss is funny and playing as the villains was dope.

Jogo que me acompanha desde a infancia, repetitivo, mas nostalgico.

This is because nostalgia has faded from me and I realized how boring and shit this game is that it's literally so repetitive and not fun that I just can't sit here and say " played this as a kid so it must be great" it really isn't, uses the Raimi designs of certain characters because it was popular but then decides to also have comic versions of other villains like what. I mean Black Cat is a good bonus for any spiderman game, but man is this game just not good lol. Love Spiderman but Spiderman Friend or Foe is just plain bad.