Reviews from

in the past

If you like monkeys, you'll like this game.

So that's why Kiryu wasn't in Smash.

Fun return to classic monkey ball

Why tf does this game have so much content packed in it’s insane

This game is just really great, a huge love letter to the monkey ball series and a great way to experience previous Monkey Ball titles imo. Sure the physics aren’t quite what they were originally, but they’re still fun and super bouncy and addictive so as far as I’m concerned I still had a lot of fun with this. 2’s story mode has a lot of highlights and surprisingly not a whole lot of frustration (well, outside of the clock tower level personally. That entire level and all stages associated with it can go dive under a tractor for all I care). On top of Monkey Ball 2’s campaign, you can the stages and challenge modes from 1 2 and deluxe with all different difficulty styles (which is, you know, a lot), a heap of cosmetic options including additional playable characters like Sonic, a heap of party games that all feel great to play apart from Monkey Targets for obvious reasons, sure the story mode presentation could’ve been better and sure the physics could be tweaked some more to deliver something even better, but for what this is, this was a lot of fun to play.

Also you can play as lil Kazuma Kiryu in a lil ball. The dame da ne man himself!

Barely played the originals so went into this pretty much blind. Loved all the story levels and some of the alternate modes were cool. Challenges seemed great at first but then you see the stage counts and realize you can't just pause or suspend. You have to do them all in 1 sitting and without hitting retry once like I did because dumb. Finished all the main game levels but master(should come back eventually) and marathon which is 100+ stages together fuck that. Tried out all the party games which seemed good except for Monkey Target. Went back into the original to feel the difference and yeah its trash in this game. Favourite party games are fight, golf and shot.

Unfortunately like that 1 annoying thing in challenge modes, there is another annoying thing present in all of main game. If you die like <5 times in a stage it asks you if you want to turn helper mode on. It repeats this for every stage in every session with no option to turn it off???? Seeing that graphic every time, pressing no everytime, having to also press skip each time to get past the replay. So many little things added up to bring down this game which they could have easily circumvented by having toggle options in the menu. Yeah the dlc is shameless too.

Has all monkey ball games in one but they kinda fucked the physics engine a bit but whatever was still epic….except party mode is also fucked, but steam version has like no good way to play multiplayer anyways so who cares.

Monkey Ball is such a joy. Soul crushingly hard, but a joy, and that is captured in this rerelease. The added extras go a long way in giving this rerelease legs as well.

It's just a bummer that they messed up the physics in Monkey Targets and replaced the so-bad-they're-good cutscenes with indecipherable motion comics.

Single player adventure and arcade modes are as good as ever, but most of the mini-games feel like college students were asked to port the originals and they feel terrible.

fucking broken ass game waste of funny monkeys

a comprehensive, sleekly designed collection of one of the best game franchises to rent from your local video rental joint (rip)

The needed revival to the Monkey Ball franchise. Monkey Ball was on life support and was a shell of SMB 1 & 2 until this game. The QoL features make this game worth it. Although SMB 1 & 2 will always be nostalgic, this game is definitely up there. They butchered the minigames though, they don't feel the same, monkey target is essentially unplayable in Banana Mania. And there is no online play. Still recommend picking it up!

By the 10th level I felt like the game wouldn't evolve much more and it wasn't really fun so I dropped it

I am not good enough at this game to give it a decent review.

i like additions like infinite lives, costumes, and guest characters but i wish they still had multiplayer in the main game where you just hand off the controller between p1 p2 so on

A collection of Monkey Ball levels from 1,2 and Deluxe with added content on top of it and online capabilities. It simplifies the story too much though making it the same as any other levels in the game.

The concept of this game seemed really cool to me, but once I tried it, it didn't really click. this just ain't for me. Also, fuck the seesaw level.

the makers of this game are extremely darksided for making the challenge mode retry button a 'reset to stage 1' thing when it's LITERALLY a 'retry the level' button everywhere else rip expert mode sub 99 deaths run.
but hey monkey ball is back! the physics aren't exactly the same and the meta has changed (arthropod/exam-c/domes nerfed, sieve/soft cream up several tiers) but the greatest 'it's okay to fail and you will a lot' game is on a console i have again and that's wonderful. just wish nintendo would release an octagonal gate controller so i wouldn't have to pay some smash weirdo 100 bucks to play this game as intended.

(i have never played any of the minigames so idk about those)

It's fun for a bit, but not exactly my thing. I was really hyped so that's sad. Cool in multiplayer though.

Great remakes of two of the most difficult platforming challenge games ever made. Great minigame selection too.

I miss the original music, but it's nice to be able to boot this up every now and again to enjoy tearing my hair out.

I grinded out mini games so I could skip the levels I couldn't beat

incredibly fun but also incredibly frustrating... but in a fun way!! i get very angry at this game but it's always very satisfying when you finally complete a difficult level. that being said, i'll probably never complete it because it's so difficult.