Reviews from

in the past

this game made me realize war isnt fun

It's a very basic WWII FPS, like VERY basic. The gameplay is very clunky and unrefined. Guns just don't feel very good to use, and enemy AI is very dumb. They'll just stand there and shoot. The story is also almost nonexistent. Like, the best part is the archival footage found in the game, but other games, like Medal of Honor, have done this WAY better.

This is a game that was made on a shoestring budget, made to cash in on the popularity of this genre of shooters (which was beginning to fade thanks to COD), and it's pretty obvious.

As terrible as this game appears to be on seventh generation consoles. it's even worse on the PlayStation 2.

Folks, who doesn't love a little "Medal of Honor" rip-off made by a bunch of Czech and Romanian geeks? It is mercifully short, but because it runs so poorly, it does kind of feel like it's twelve hours long. Horrible controls—like, magnitudes worse than even the PS2 Call of Duty games—with equally horrible sound, menus, etc. It's all just plain bad.

Leave the jingoistic History Channel advertisements to us, please. We can handle it just fine.