Reviews from

in the past


I wasn't even that big of a fan of simpsons when I played this.

2nd best ps2 game i've ever played hit & run is garbage compared to this

This game is not super fun to play. The bosses suck, the hub world is lifeless and boring to walk through and it gets annoyingly difficult more often than it should. The humor is hilarious though and one of these complaints would be gone if I bought the Wii version or emulated the PSP version so I might just do that

"Isn't our game so fun and hilarious compared to the other bad games?" Meanwhile most of the world forgot this game existed while Hit & Run is modded and demanded for remasters.

Francia, que huele peor su queso o su gente?

Despite the improvable controls and questionable AI behavior, it's a fun game filled with references and parodies (borderline copyright infringement) of other games.

Muchas coñas relacionadas con los Simpsons y el mundo de los videojuegos. Ideal para los fans, de la series. Aún asi tiene cosas que falla, en alguno niveles haya enemigos que tiene una resistencia bastante exagerada, o que el combate del boss me hubiese molado que no fuera un juego de baile, luego hay niveles que parece bastante inecesario. Pero todo lo demas es bastante divertido.

A fun little platformer with writing reminiscent of the show's glory days. Doesn't do anything particularly groundbreaking with the genre and could've definitely used some more polish in areas regarding the AI and the camera but overall definitely worth a playthrough.

I beat this at least 3-4 times as a kid. It's really not very good at all but I guess it sold the Simpsons aesthetic well enough for me at the time.

I played this game to completion while on a long roadtrip. It was a really fun roadtrip

Bastante divertido y variado para ser lo que es. Y con una historia y unos gags propios de la época buena de los Simpsons.
Lo mejor de este juego es que materializa a los perros con abejas en la boca que cuando ladran disparan abejas.

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You get to fight God in this game.

o terceiro melhor jogo de ps2 q já joguei

Melhor q Hit n Run me julguem

This game blew my mind as a kid, it was fun challenging and all wacky funny fun times, beating the game was incredibly satisfying and this game was the first one I ever 100% completed, however the platforming sucks half the levels are filler and some of the game is straight up broken (Like every Marge level sucks ass fr) without nostalgia this game would be like half a star but god damn it the games hilarious and I wish it was as good as its buffer cousin hit and run

Simpsons se tornou ruim e esse jogo segue a consequência da serie

Was stupid hyped to get this game for christmas but honestly its a pretty forgettable game. 4/10

Everyone will simp for Hit and run until the day when it gets a remaster but where will you be when the world is burning and The Simpsons Game will come to bring you to salvation. I know where I'll be. Do You?

Segundo melhor jogo dos Simpsons, preciso jogar de novo

For some reason I really love the simpsons game. I was so hyped for this to come out when I was a kid. Something about it being on nearly every system each having unique box art was also so cool! And you know what it’s fun and still holds up

While most people may have grown up with hit and run, this was my childhood simpsons game.

While not perfect, it still is a lot of fun and worth palying at least once if you are a simpsons fan.

indefinitely borrowed this from a friend back in 2008, I have fond memories of playing it

It was ok, but the strength lies solely in the licence. I completed it on DS, but played a bit of it on PS3 and OH MY GOD THE CAMERA WHAT ARE YOU DOING

sometimes funny, that's about it