Reviews from

in the past

its a really ridiculous game but its a huge piece of nostalgia and i loved it as a child. also completed it like 5 times at least

97% complete
Completed all story levels


I'm still waiting for the Dreamcast version that they advertised.

Criar uma lista de clichês in-game não lhe faz escapar das criticas por usar clichês.

if you are a young simpsons fan in 2007 this is basically exactly what your kid brain would think it wants in a simpsons game on the 360. doesn't hold a candle to hit & run though

this and the spongebob game had me in a chokehold why were kids games genuinely difficult

Not as good as Hit & Run. Feels more arcadey, level based, and no vehicles. None of these work in its favour.

The Simpsons was also already in its 19th season by the time this came out, much past its heyday.

Why on earth is there a keyblade in this?

très bon jeu Simpson encore une fois en vrai

I don't have much to say. It's a very generic platformer/beat-em-up but Simpsons themed. It's still no Hit n' Run, but the humor is pretty good, definitely reminiscent of the golden age of Seasons 15-20.

It was a good ride while it lasted. Come on, kids, let's go home.

So good got stuck on a level, stopped playing, and eventually sold my WII, might need to pick it back up

Got to the second to last level, and then for some unknown reason the disk decided to brick itself and not let me get past the main menu without a "scratched disk" warning pop up.

ggs The Simpsons

A fun game for sure, the writing was definitely well done and funny plus a lot of breaking the fourth wall jokes. The levels their selves did get a bit repetitive sometimes. Easily one of the better Simpsons games, but nothing can live up to Hit and Run.

In the years prior to this. The simpsons tried to make a cloan from everything popular in gaming. Tony Hawk? Yeah give us Simpsons skateboarding. WWE, yeah give is Simpsons wrestling. Crazy Taxi is cool right? Give us Simpsons Road Rage. GTA is unstoppable give us Simpsons Hit and run.

Only Hit and Run was actually good. Then they just made a standard Simpsons video game. It was alright. Actually I remember really wanting a sequel. Oh well

Sonic 2006 is unintentionally much funnier than this.

I forgot I played this game. But I remember having a good time.

No es Hit & Run pero es una burrada de juego

jokes aside this is unironically good

Great game, full of references and winks. This game is better than the last 10 seasons of the series.

a decent game adaption of the time unfortunately this is very much past the prime time of the Simpsons so most of it is just reference humor which is fine i did enjoy the animated cutscenes over 3d animation most other Simpsons games have also the gameplay is ok lil action platformer that could there a decent variety of abilities but like any adaptation of the time it needs to be balanced out with horrible combat just truly unsatisfying also the game really feels like it was meant to be played in coop and the ai buddy is way to dumb and it will just keep dying all the time so if your going to play this do yourself a favour and find someone to play it with

Really good game with a great story. Homer Simpson is just like me (a big fat pig)

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It's a fun game with great humor and, surprisingly, an incredible soundtrack. I love how most of the game's cinematics are 2D animations, similar to a TV series.

The gameplay is very simple and functions well; it doesn't become repetitive, especially given the short duration of the game. However, the camera can be quite horrible on many occasions.

Now, the game has some very good ideas but... it doesn't do much with them. The concept of "Being inside a video game" and parodying it had the potential for something much more ambitious, and what ended up is a game that feels like it lacked some time.

For instance, the "open world" of Springfield in the game (only in the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions) is a great addition, but you don't do absolutely anything. You only collect collectibles and nothing more. A whole map wasted.

The game lasts for 5 hours, 10 if you want to complete it 100%, which I don't recommend because THERE IS NO REWARD. So... the game falls very short (especially in the PS2, PSP, and Wii versions as they cut some levels). They could have added more parody levels or worked more on the city of Springfield.

Me gusta mas que el hit and run