Reviews from

in the past

Finished what's out of the Early Access release (goes up to Stage 5 while the full release will have 6, 7, and an epilogue); unfortunate this game kind of went under the radar as it's an excellent shoot-em-up? If you enjoy TH18 for its roguelike aspects (or just enjoy STGs in general) there's very much something great here despite some optimization issues and visual clarity.

a rogue-like Shoot em up that's in early access at the time of this review. It's also really good. It has 5 stages atm and its main gimmick is having a shop where you can sell your 3 main stats (shot power, spell charge speed, and grazing hitbox) to get money, so you can buy more items. This makes it so, unlike so many other touhou shmups, stat drops from enemies actually matter. Making stage sections much more tense and important.
The game's patterns themselves are more on the harder side, but that's compensation for the item system, along with a health system that gives each life some hitpoints before losing that life as oppose to normal touhou games.
The items are the meat of this game. There are items that range from alternate shot types, spellcards/bombs, sidearms (a new bomb-like mechanic that makes you have to graze to use them), increasing the maximum amount of stats you can have, items that passively block bullets for you, FUMOS, and a lot more. It's extremely expansive and you can mess around a lot with just the choice of what spellcard, shot type, or sidearm you want to use.
The only problem this game has at the moment is that some spellcards and items cause serious performance problems. But that's expected of an early access game.
Another good aspect of this game is the story. Obviously i can't say much for spoilers but it's really good (and the EA ends on a cliffhanger). There is also a unique bad ending for each character and stage/boss combination, depending on where you lost. Considering there are 3 playable characters (Reimu, Sumireko, and Chiyuri/Yumemi duo), that makes 6 unique endings for every stage. And from the ones i've seen, they are really well written. They also make the sting of losing a run less if you unlock a new ending.
So, play this game if you like shmups and want one that has a ton of replay value. It's extremely underrated.