Reviews from

in the past

When reviewing this game, there are two games it can be compared to: The original Touhou Makuka Sai, and Perfect Cherry Blossom, which this game is based on. It also adds Sanae which is always a plus, but rather than Sakuya being playable Youmu is. Odd choice there.

As far as the original goes, the patterns feel more fair and are just as lively. It still feels like it uses a template of sorts (original Stage 1 boss, Stage 4 boss is replaced by its midboss) but this time the Stage 5 boss is different too (even if they have a poorly designed survival attack) so there's even more diversity from the original on store here. That said, I'm unsure what Lily White has to do with candy, really weird that's her focus.

The other game that must be compared to is Perfect Cherry Blossom. For one, I think the resource system here is a huge improvement over ZUN's original game: Tying the Cherry Border to your resources is far smarter than the stock item you collect for lives. I do wish there was a way to figure out which border type (bombs or lives) you'd get before the border starts, but maybe I'm not looking hard enough. The music is really watered down in comparison though, the original tracks bring nothing and the remixes aren't all that great. I did like the twist on the Stage 3 theme though.

All in all, an interesting interpretation of Perfect Cherry Blossom.

Practice modes could be done better but other than that, good game and some banger tracks too.

Beat this on my first go without even trying. I prefer the first one to this one but it's still pretty good.

Pretty good, all things considered. It's easy as fuck, but not TOO easy. Super pretty too, the devs worked hard to make this look as good as possible.

Прошёл игру на изи (пока что), но буквально с первой попытки на 1СС.

Удивительно, но этот фанатский ремейк по качеству во многом переплёвывает крупнобюджетные ремейки всех прочих игр. Я понимаю, что это не совсем честное сравнение, так как база для этого ремейка - это игра, которую можно пройти за 20 минут, но тем не менее.

Я хочу сказать, что игра просто ПУШКА. Графон, музыка и конечно же геймплей - всё это вместе подарило мне тонну веселья и даже эстетического удовольствия. Хотя некоторые изменения у меня под вопросом (к примеру, зачем надо было выпиливать из игры Сакую?), тем не менее, игра оставила исключительно положительные эмоции. Если вы фанат данмаку и шутемапов в целом, то будет грех не поиграть в эту игру.

one of my favorite bullet hells because every single attack pattern in this game is unique in it's own way and it takes a different method of dodging and surviving every single one. also playing as youmu is awesome