Reviews from

in the past

SI tan bueno es el UNO como que aun no ha salido el DOS?

you and your friends will start fighting. It's Uno

me and my friends were playing uno, one of our friends left and we're new to the game so we didn't think strangers could just randomly show up. we just thought the bots would take their place and nothing else. WELL we were surprised to learn that through someone with the username butthoks strangers CAN show up. uno is absolute chaos as is but i don't think anything could ever top that level of chaos

game doesnt work. ubi said they dont officially support their games on (gaming) laptops and didnt even try to help. #fixyourgamesubisoft smh

Super fun when you have people to crack jokes with but holy shit ubisoft is bad at making games

é muito divertido, se o jogo funcionar!

legal mas n da pra jogar sempre

This game RULES LMAO. It's great for casually sessions with your close friends to just talk and catch up.

Only redeeming fact is that uno is a fun card game. The game itself is a janky mess.

Picked up 31 cards once fuck this game

It's literally UNO. Servers suck big balls

Literalmente um dos piores jogos otimizados para o pc,mas uno eh legal!!

its uno. however the game crashes after you have around 87 cards in your hand

I used a random number generator to decide what I rate this

It's UNO so it's good fun and the rule additions are nice. However, the technical issues that come with Ubisoft Connect are mindbogglingly stupid. Absolutely frustrating to try to play with friends smoothly.

It's only fun when the game works

oh joguinho bugado viu, esse jogo tem uma conectividade MERDA eu nem consegui jogar com o meu amigo direito