Reviews from

in the past

it's alright. needs more explosions though

freaking cool game I will finish someday

Incredibly fun, but we decided to wait until the game has more content.

A really great experience if you have a group and a means for knowing what to do, I have been guided by a friend who learned a lot from another server

If they find a way to make managing your inventory no longer a chore in this game, this could probably become one of my absolute favorites.

Does most things well, though nothing is terribly stand-out. Could be a staple with further content expansions.

What a brilliant exploration game! Joyful, intense, journeys actually feel like real undertakings. Helps that I played with three of my best friends. Would recommend it to almost any friend group.

Fucking boring and slow. Everything you do is a chore. combat is shit.

It's not brutal, it's tedious. You don't 'survive', you fend off random encounters. You don't explore, you scour your equipment-appropriate biome for materials. You don't write your own saga or reveal a narrative, you pump your numbers to clumsily shoot at/wallop on a bag of hit points to unlock the next tier of gear. Rinse, repeat. Better with friends, and fingers crossed that things get better as the game continues to receive updates.

runs like doodoo plays like doodoo and yet here i am with 35 hours in it

Hope I can one day give this game a chance.

I'm probably never gonna actually beat this (at least in EA) as I just start new worlds each big update, and I just drop it in favor of other games that are less of a timesink eventually. But damn do I enjoy my time with it when I play it. Gonna be incredible once it's out of EA and gets some crazy mods, I'm sure.

The game that open world survival craft nerds have been asking for years

why are there so many parts to a house??

Zero polish but a very fun and satisfying core gameplay loop. The building is extremely fun despite weird button mapping. Bosses are baaaad

Dunno if I can say it's really worth the price in its early access state but the concept is definitely executed well. A good amount of creative freedom and some pretty difficult combat. Can get really tedious at times since everything seems to be ten times stronger than you. Highly recommend playing with friends.

I think this game could be special once it leaves Early Access, but for now it's just a tad too unpolished for me to comfortably give it that. It has its highs, like when you're simply exploring the open ocean with your pals, but especially toward the current endgame, we encountered some frustrating issues like losing endgame materials for no reason and bugs with structure stability. I also feel that some of the materials really need some semblance of automation personally. I hope this game gets the glowup it deserves as time goes on!

Fun with friends but so are most games. Just way too much grinding. I liked building for a while but I can only tolerate tree cutting and infinite enemies for so long. Only "beat" it because one of my friends was willing to do all the tedious material grinding.

muy muy divertido con amigos pero probablemente me pareceria injugable si fuese solo. de las mayores sorpresas de 2021!

This game will be 5 stars eventually

This is one of the best games that came out of 2021, I played it alone and with friends. They built a perfect world with the perfect atomosphere, and the allowed the player to fully enjoy it. You are a viking, you travel, you sail, explore, murder big animals, cook them, eat their meat, make armor with their skins. You fight trolls and dragons, build your base and defend it. The music is just perfect. Beautiful game, and still on development. I want it to be on 1.0 so I can make a true review of the game. As it is today, I've completed every single objetive and I would do it again.

Have a blast with my wife for many,many hours!

Game is amazing. Can't wait for more content to hop back in and sink my teeth into!